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Links to the "Let's talk Turbo" series done in 2022

  • 1.  Links to the "Let's talk Turbo" series done in 2022

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Tue January 24, 2023 01:12 PM
    In 2022, AIOps Community organized "Let's talk Turbo" series of community events. We started with AP friendly timezones, then proceeded to conduct the same in Europe and Americas Timezone. Throughout these 3 virtual sessions, more than 50 questions about Turbonomic is addressed. Hence putting the recordings of all the three in one place.

    May be it will be useful.

    Let's talk Turbo, with Sergey Omelaenko (AP Friendly Timezone) -> https://ibm.biz/BdPKm8
    Let's talk Turbo, with Mohd Basha & Eva Tuczai (EMEA Friendly Timezone) -> https://ibm.biz/BdPKmb
    Let's talk Turbo, Americas with Safa Baha & Justus Fries -> https://ibm.biz/BdPiLW

    And the all Spanish event -> https://ibm.biz/BdPKmV

    Hope this is useful !

    Veeramani Nambi
    Offering Manager, GoToMarket - Communities