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ARM, APM, AIOps: Deciphering the IT operations management alphabet soup

By Wright Eric posted Wed September 15, 2021 07:53 AM

[Republished from developer.ibm.com]

This week at the AIOps & Integration Digital Developer Conference, Turbonomic’s technology evangelist, I spoke about strengthening your ARM (Application Resource Management) with AIOps.

To learn more about the value AIOps brings to organizations and how ITOps engineers and developers can take advantage of the technology, John Meegan, product manager at IBM Automation Ecosystem, sat down with Eric to learn more.

John: Turbonomic is in the Application Resource Management (ARM) business. Can you briefly position ARM and highlight its importance to IT operations management?

Eric: Application Resource Management (ARM) with Turbonomic is about assuring performance by ensuring that every application has the resources it needs, when it needs them, continuously, and automatically. Being agentless and infrastructure-agnostic means that you get these results for any application on any infrastructure, in real-time.

This translates to 30% better performance, on the same amount of infrastructure (and sometimes up to 20-50% less infrastructure), all while maintaining continuous business and IT policy compliance. ARM analytics, actions, and full-stack automation assure continuous health and application availability. That means IT teams can get back to innovations and focus on what matters to them and their business while ARM takes care of performance.

John: Can you explain how ARM relates to Application Performance Monitoring (APM)?

Eric: APM focuses on monitoring application response time and performance as application deployment patterns increase in complexity. APM ensures that transactional flows are mapped, code is efficient, and understands where application performance can go wrong with things like long-running database queries and poorly performing micro-services.

What Application Resource Management does to augment APM is to add understanding about resource dependencies at every layer of the physical, virtual, cloud, and container stacks that underpin that application. “Is it the code or the node?” is a reference we use often.

Most issues with application performance are usually in the underlying infrastructure. That’s where ARM (Application Resource Management) comes in and preventatively manages resourcing in real-time.

John: Why is integration of ARM and APM so important? Can you highlight what Turbonomic and IBM are doing in this space?

Eric: More than just being two parts of the way to solve application performance issues, the pairing is one of those 1 + 1 = 3 situations.

Application metrics coming from Instana* or other APM sources are automatically discovered by Turbonomic ARM and add to the analytics used to influence actions throughout the app and infrastructure stack. The relationships between resources and performance means that every action to improve performance or optimize utilization is application-aware and infrastructure-aware. There literally is no platform in the market that can do what the likes of Instana for APM and Turbonomic for ARM can do together.

Note: Instana is an IBM company

John: What about AI-powered automation? What does AIOps bring to the table and how does it build on the capabilities provided by ARM and APM?

Eric: This is the real differentiator when you move to automation over monitoring and pure visualization. AIOps with full-stack automation means your operations team can not only see what needs to be done to assure application performance and continuous health, but also get actionable insights like moving, scaling, sizing, provisioning and de-provisioning of resources on any infrastructure using real-time automation.

Because you have an APM like Instana adding deeper application insights you have more data to drive morespecific application-aware actions. Every action being application-aware means you reduce the risk and increase the performance and health of the application and literally see the results from the application all the way down to the metal, out to the cloud, and across any Kubernetes environment.

John: Can you highlight some of the AIOps capabilities being delivered by Turbonomic and IBM? What are some of the ways that integration of these capabilities delivers value to ITOps engineers and developers?

Eric: Automating IT operations and application resource management significantly reduces risk and volatility. We have seen reductions in help desk tickets and avoidance of potential outages resulting in hours upon hours returned to IT teams because they’re leveraging Instana, IBM Watson AIOps, and Turbonomic ARM. This combination provides the observability, analytics, action, and predictive insights to prevent application performance issues.

With Turbonomic and IBM delivering real self-driving infrastructure, developers can focus on building and deploying code, and the IT operations teams can focus on architecting solutions. Customers are loving OpenShift because it creates such a dynamic and future-ready architecture that becomes like a self-driving car with Turbonomic ARM and Watson AIOps behind the wheel. A real win-win for everyone.

Learn more about Instana, Turbonomic and Watson AIOpPs

