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Cloud savings in action: Tagging your way to a leaner budget with IBM Turbonomic

By Patrycja Hubl- Lis posted Fri May 31, 2024 08:13 AM


Managing cloud spend today is a critical aspect of modern business operations. As companies increasingly rely on cloud services for managing applications and IT infrastructure, the need to control costs through efficiency and keep applications running smoothly for any demand is important. 

To help customers better optimize their cloud costs in real time, IBM Turbonomic has developed Cloud Tag, an innovative feature the enhances how businesses manage their cloud spending by offering a streamlined approach to resource allocation and cost tracking. 

With Cloud Tag, users can assign customizable tags to cloud resources, allowing for precise categorization and organization. But that's not all – our new dashboard takes cost optimization to the next level by providing a comprehensive list of resources associated with each tag, coupled with real-time insights on cost savings. This means businesses can now easily identify areas for cost reduction and make informed decisions to maximize their cloud investment. With Cloud Tag and its accompanying dashboard, we're empowering businesses to optimize their cloud spending by driving efficiency and profitability in the digital age.

How It works

To leverage this new feature, users need to go to the cloud tab and select the “Cloud Savings/Investment” widget within the “Add new widget” section. As shown in the figure below, the new cloud tag can be defined on the “group by” section. For instance, in this case, it is group by the tag key called “turbo_owner”. Ultimately, select save and the new widget will be displayed in the main cloud tab.

Afterwards, once in the main cloud tab, the user can select “Show all” button and the following figure will be shown. In the right part, there is an option to show more details where a more granular view per record is displayed.  


The IBM Turbonomic team continues to enhance the product, bringing additional value to your investment as well as helping to assure application performance and optimize cloud costs with trustworthy automated resource management.

For more information, visit the IBM Turbonomic website where you can start a free trial today or schedule a demo with one of our experts.


Gabriele Maccherani, Engineer Manager

Juan Angel Muñoz, IBM Turbonomic Product Manager

Maruthupandi Kalidasan,  Senior Software Engineer

