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IBM Turbonomic - Full Stack Application to Infrastructure visibility for Kubernetes and Red Hat® OpenShift®

By Jason Shaw posted Wed June 26, 2024 09:36 AM


Continuing on the blog series focused on IBM Turbonomic features for Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.

  1. Optimizing containerized workloads
  2. Kubeturbo agent and how it works
  3. Scale Gen AI workloads
  4. Optimize GPU's for Gen AI workloads

Have you ever had a problem with visualizing and/or observing all of your hybrid-cloud Container Platform Clusters aka Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift clusters in a single pane of glass view?


IBM Turbonomic is here to help!  With IBM Turbonomic discover managed and self-managed hybrid-cloud (on-prem, private cloud, public cloud) Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift clusters.  Then bring them all into a single supply chain view based on a supply and demand or parent and child relationship with an application focused top down view of all of the containerized applications, workloads in your clusters and infrastructure they are running on. 


IBM Turbonomic can discover all of your Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift clusters including but not limited to:

  • All managed clusters such as:
    • Amazon EKS
    • Azure AKS
    • Google Cloud GKE
    • IBM Cloud IKS
    • Oracle Cloud OKE
    • Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA)
    • Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)
    • Google Cloud Dedicated - Red Hat OpenShift
  • All self-managed clusters such as:
    • Public Cloud (self-deployed on any Public Cloud IaaS VM's)
    • On-prem hypervisors (VMware vCenter, XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, etc…)
    • Bare Metal


Here is an example of what that supply chain looks like in IBM Turbonomic when just discovering a single cluster in any of the above environments:


Turbonomic unstitched supply chain


IBM Turbonomic can discover all of your public and private cloud/on-prem environments to help further build out the supply chain and visibility of your hybrid-cloud environments:

  • Public Cloud
    • AWS
    • Azure
    • Google Cloud
  • Private Cloud/On-Prem
    • VMware vCenter
    • Microsoft Hyper-V
    • Nutanix Acropolis (AHV) or vCenter


Here is that same cluster discovered above, now with the addition of the added public cloud context that it is running in.  We can see that the supply chain has now expanded to be more complete as now IBM Turbonomic can fully discover the additional resources outside of the cluster that exist in the public cloud that it is deployed in.


Turbonomic stitched supply chain


IBM Turbonomic can also discover all of your containerized applications from the following Application Performance Management (APM) systems to complete building out the top of the supply chain to have that added context in your supply chain view:

  • IBM Instana
  • Dynatrace
  • Datadog
  • New Relic


Turbonomic APM supply chain


Turbonomic full APM UI view
NOTE: For the full list of all of the resources and metrics that IBM Turbonomic discovers in Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift clusters, review our official product documentation here.

For more information on IBM Turbonomic and to sign-up for a free 30 day trial refer to the product page here:


Jason Shaw

Product Manager

IBM Turbonomic

Connect with me on LinkedIn

