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Troubleshooting Power HMC Instana Sensor

By Bipin Chandra posted Wed October 19, 2022 04:19 AM


To troubleshoot Power HMC Instana sensor problems, use the following solutions:

Issue: Sensor configuration problem

After you configure the Power HMC Instana sensor correctly, you might see that the sensor is not activated successfully, or the sensor is activated successfully but terminated for some unknown reason.

This usually means that the sensor is not configured properly. Follow these steps to solve the problem:


  1. Validate the sensor configuration file configuration.yaml.
  2. Ensure that the user has API access to retrieve performance metrics for the resources. 
  3. Assign the `hmcviewer` role to the user, and enable the `Performance and Capacity Monitoring` preference for the managed systems.
  4. Ensure that the following flags are enabled:
  5. LongTermMonitorEnabled: Long-term monitoring configuration value

  • AggregationEnabled: Utilization data aggregation configuration value

  • EnergyMonitorEnabled: Energy monitoring status

Issue: 403 Forbidden Error

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.


Verify the credentials that are provided in the configuration.yaml file with all the required permissions to the user.

Issue: 204 No Content Warning or Error

The HTTP 204 No Content success status response code indicates that a request has succeeded but server does not return any contents.


Power HMC sensor uses aggregated metrics and API for the preceding 5 minutes (see the poll rate in the configuration) from Power HMC. Sometimes there is mismatch in the timestamp because of different timezone of the HMC server. Hence, API returns the 204 code because no contents are available. To work around this problem, set the timezone of the Power HMC server to UTC.

Issue: Import self-signed certificate that is used by Power HMC server

If a Power HMC server uses a self-signed certificate, make sure that it is imported into the jvm's cacert.

Also, if you see the following exception in the log, it indicates that the Power HMC server uses a self-signed certificate, and it needs to be imported into the jvm's cacert:

  • unable to find valid certification path to requested target. PKIX path building failed:

  • unable to find valid certification path to requested target.


Import a self-signed certificate by running the following command:

$ keytool -import -alias -keystore $INSTANA_HOME/agent/jvm/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file <server self-signed certificate>

See the following example:

$ keytool -import -alias -keystore /opt/instana/agent/jvm/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file POWERSYSHMC.cer

The default password for keystore is changeit.

$ keytool -import -alias -keystore /opt/instana/agent/jvm/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file POWERSYSHMC.cer -storepass changeit

Issue: The self-signed certificate has an invalid Subject Alternate Name (SAN)

The server certificate is invalid if the SAN does not have the expected IP address.

Solution: Generate a correct server certificate and import it again.

Issue: Power HMC API’s connection problem

You might want to validate whether the Power HMC API functions properly or not, or see frequent gaps in the metrics data in the Instana dashboard UI, or find the following errors in the log:

2022-07-27T05:42:47.536-04:00 | DEBUG | powerhmc-service-pool-thread-2   | PowerHMC         | com.instana.sensor-power-hmc - 1.0.6 | Stacktrace: Read timed out

        at Method) ~[?:1.8.0]

        at ~[?:1.8.0]

        at ~[?:1.8.0]

        at ~[?:1.8.0]

To solve this problem, take the following steps:



Request method: PUT

Create file login.xml. See the attachment. Put valid userid and password.

$ curl -k -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/; type=LogonRequest" -H "Accept: application/; type=LogonResponse" -H "X-Audit-Memento: hmc_test" -d @login.xml


HTTP/2 200 
date: Tue, 10 May 2022 05:26:37 GMT
server: Server Hardware Management Console
x-content-type-options: nosniff
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
referrer-policy: no-referrer
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
x-transaction-id: XT10066672
content-type: application/; type=LogonResponse
set-cookie: JSESSIONID=684CEB2C0244BE4274025F0A237A295B; Path=/rest; Secure; HttpOnly
set-cookie: CCFWSESSION=DCB4CCFBE1C68327D4950873FAD985F3; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
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x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
vary: User-Agent

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LogonResponse xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" schemaVersion="V1_0">
    <X-API-Session kb="ROR" kxe="false">Ivq2wxwdH42qfYLSurUMgkaZZuRrYW4Rr8dN4WWufIT1UIKqZqh1DaR_DsVBnWCQGw6ffgTbEv17UwrUQHsr_XNbBs3WMvSfRK58D4tiYFcPPk-ekP5QCfc7dnMSJ3sJT8fcPCLO_QwxmjhGY-E7YjiW9q764nlg-wtFsVMrjRBBqLvvHfQyh8W1hxSFDSxDxCXFzcGjF-PRt4M6VHXW5_8V6Kmb68gJwnSDbI367C4=</X-API-Session>

Copy the X-API-Session id from above.


GET current PCM attributes:

curl -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "X-API-Session: Ivq2wxwdH42qfYLSurUMgkaZZuRrYW4Rr8dN4WWufIT1UIKqZqh1DaR_DsVBnWCQGw6ffgTbEv17UwrUQHsr_XNbBs3WMvSfRK58D4tiYFcPPk-ekP5QCfc7dnMSJ3sJT8fcPCLO_QwxmjhGY-E7YjiW9q764nlg-wtFsVMrjRBBqLvvHfQyh8W1hxSFDSxDxCXFzcGjF-PRt4M6VHXW5_8V6Kmb68gJwnSDbI367C4=" -X GET


HTTP/2 200 
date: Tue, 10 May 2022 05:26:37 GMT
Server: Server Hardware Management Console PCM
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
ETag: -1049443091
Last-Modified: Fri, 23 Sep 2022 06:04:12 GMT
X-HMC-Schema-Version: V1_11_1
Content-Type: application/atom+xml
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Security-Policy: default-src https:; script-src https: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src https: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

<feed xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">
    <title type="text">Performance and Capacity Monitoring Preferences</title>
    <subtitle type="text"/>
    <link rel="self" href=""/>
    <generator uri="IBM Power Systems Management Console" version="1"/>
        <title type="text">Performance and Capacity Monitoring Preferences</title>
            <name>IBM Power Systems Management Console</name>
        <content type="application/xml">
            <ManagementConsolePcmPreference:ManagementConsolePcmPreference xmlns:ManagementConsolePcmPreference="" xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" schemaVersion="V1_0">
            <AtomID>2e587e15-e815-39ef-9ec6-22e365dd043f </AtomID>
    <MaximumManagedSystemsForLongTermMonitor kxe="false" kb="ROR">48</MaximumManagedSystemsForLongTermMonitor>
    <MaximumManagedSystemsForComputeLTM kb="ROR" kxe="false">60</MaximumManagedSystemsForComputeLTM>
    <MaximumManagedSystemsForAggregation kxe="false" kb="ROR">48</MaximumManagedSystemsForAggregation>
    <MaximumManagedSystemsForShortTermMonitor kxe="false" kb="ROR">5</MaximumManagedSystemsForShortTermMonitor>
    <MaximumManagedSystemsForEnergyMonitor kb="ROR" kxe="false">48</MaximumManagedSystemsForEnergyMonitor>
    <AggregatedMetricsStorageDuration kb="UOD" kxe="false">3888000</AggregatedMetricsStorageDuration>
    <ManagedSystemPcmPreference kb="UOD" kxe="false" schemaVersion="V1_0">
        <SystemName kb="ROR" kxe="false">BETA</SystemName>
        <MachineTypeModelSerialNumber kb="ROR" kxe="false" schemaVersion="V1_0">
            <MachineType kxe="false" kb="ROR">9009</MachineType>
            <Model kxe="false" kb="ROR">22A</Model>
            <SerialNumber kb="ROR" kxe="false">78DC780</SerialNumber>
        <EnergyMonitoringCapable kb="ROO" kxe="false">true</EnergyMonitoringCapable>
        <LongTermMonitorEnabled kb="UOD" kxe="false">true</LongTermMonitorEnabled>
        <AggregationEnabled kxe="false" kb="UOD">true</AggregationEnabled>
        <ShortTermMonitorEnabled kxe="false" kb="UOD">false</ShortTermMonitorEnabled>
        <ComputeLTMEnabled ksv="V1_1_0" kb="UOD" kxe="false">false</ComputeLTMEnabled>
        <EnergyMonitorEnabled kb="UOD" kxe="false">true</EnergyMonitorEnabled>
        <AssociatedManagedSystem kb="ROO" kxe="false" href="" rel="related"/>
    <ManagedSystemPcmPreference kb="UOD" kxe="false" schemaVersion="V1_0">
        <SystemName kb="ROR" kxe="false">EPSILON</SystemName>
        <MachineTypeModelSerialNumber kb="ROR" kxe="false" schemaVersion="V1_0">
            <MachineType kxe="false" kb="ROR">9009</MachineType>
            <Model kxe="false" kb="ROR">22G</Model>
            <SerialNumber kb="ROR" kxe="false">78F3B40</SerialNumber>
        <EnergyMonitoringCapable kb="ROO" kxe="false">true</EnergyMonitoringCapable>
        <LongTermMonitorEnabled kb="UOD" kxe="false">true</LongTermMonitorEnabled>
        <AggregationEnabled kxe="false" kb="UOD">true</AggregationEnabled>
        <ShortTermMonitorEnabled kxe="false" kb="UOD">false</ShortTermMonitorEnabled>
        <ComputeLTMEnabled ksv="V1_1_0" kb="UOD" kxe="false">false</ComputeLTMEnabled>
        <EnergyMonitorEnabled kb="UOD" kxe="false">true</EnergyMonitorEnabled>
        <AssociatedManagedSystem kb="ROO" kxe="false" href="" rel="related"/>

Copy one of the managed system’s AtomID.


GET current aggregated metrics:

curl -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "X-API-Session: Ivq2wxwdH42qfYLSurUMgkaZZuRrYW4Rr8dN4WWufIT1UIKqZqh1DaR_DsVBnWCQGw6ffgTbEv17UwrUQHsr_XNbBs3WMvSfRK58D4tiYFcPPk-ekP5QCfc7dnMSJ3sJT8fcPCLO_QwxmjhGY-E7YjiW9q764nlg-wtFsVMrjRBBqLvvHfQyh8W1hxSFDSxDxCXFzcGjF-PRt4M6VHXW5_8V6Kmb68gJwnSDbI367C4=" -X GET


HTTP/2 200 

<feed xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">
    <title type="text">AggregatedMetrics</title>
    <subtitle type="text">ManagedSystem 06751d27-5953-3f7f-bfaa-44382f516fea</subtitle>
    <link rel="self" href=""/>
    <generator uri="IBM Power Systems Management Console" version="1"/>
        <title type="text">ManagedSystem_06751d27-5953-3f7f-bfaa-44382f516fea_20220810T000000+0000_20220923T000000+0000_86400.json</title>
        <link type="application/json" href=""/>
            <name>IBM Power Systems Management Console</name>
        <category term="ManagedSystem" frequency="86400"/>

Copy above link :


GET performance metrics in json :

curl -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "X-API-Session: Ivq2wxwdH42qfYLSurUMgkaZZuRrYW4Rr8dN4WWufIT1UIKqZqh1DaR_DsVBnWCQGw6ffgTbEv17UwrUQHsr_XNbBs3WMvSfRK58D4tiYFcPPk-ekP5QCfc7dnMSJ3sJT8fcPCLO_QwxmjhGY-E7YjiW9q764nlg-wtFsVMrjRBBqLvvHfQyh8W1hxSFDSxDxCXFzcGjF-PRt4M6VHXW5_8V6Kmb68gJwnSDbI367C4=" -X GET 


See Managed System Processed and Aggregated Metrics JSON Specification for details.

A big json with metrics data. Refer the documentation for details.

I have covered the most common problems here. I hope you find them useful. For more solutions, please reach out to Instana support.

1 comment



Thu May 25, 2023 03:50 AM

I have a question about the implementation of the Sensor for Power HMC into Instana:
I configured the sensor for Power HMC in the Instana agent configuration.yaml and the connection to the HMC system seems to work, but in the agent.log file I got some error like this: 
2023-05-25T09:21:42.562+02:00 | ERROR | instana-scheduler-thread-3-3     | rverDataProvider | com.instana.sensor-power-hmc - 1.0.12 | Exception while updating server <ip-address>-xxxxxxxxxx json null
What does it mean?