How industry experts are using IBM SPSS® Statistics for better outcomes

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How industry experts are using IBM SPSS® Statistics for better outcomes 

Tue November 12, 2019 04:29 PM

How industry experts are using IBM SPSS® Statistics for better outcomes

IBM SPSS® Statistics is a fast and powerful solution that propels research analysis in numerous industries. SPSS Statistics is used in education, market research, healthcare, government and retail throughout the entire analytics process, from planning and data collection to analysis, reporting and deployment. This paper explores how these industries are transforming themselves by applying predictive analytics to their decision-making from the point of view of actual users. From their insights, you can determine how you can use it to drive your desired outcomes.

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Thu December 12, 2019 05:00 AM


I am looking for a powerful solution that drives deep research analysis on online casinos and the rapidly evolving and highly competitive online gambling marketplace. After the US Supreme court passed an official reversal on its ban on sports betting in 2018 the marketplace for online casino, sportsbook, poker lottery and even bingo players allowing players in the United States has been growing very quickly and the latest Google news is often highlighted by another merger or acquisition within the industry.

I need SPSS Statistics for developing an automated market research process paired with content deployment across our website as it grows the number of users & business partners we work with. 

It should analyze the marketplace and provide us with AI generated real-time rankings of online betting operators listed on based on tens of thousands of key data points that could have potentially been updated within with last 24 hours. It must generate unbiased rankings based on data diving and predict reliable results based on the foundation ranking logic its given. (Predicting based on data analysis is something I love to do personally in my brain. Its something I gew to become quite talented at after spending way too much time at the blackjack tables and countless hours analyzing the casino card sorting algorithms) That's a side note i get detoured on mini tangents at times fyi :) 

Additionally and beyond the daily data market researching & analysis, we receive receive 3-5 business proposals per day & that number is growing quickly. I need AI to negotiate with our potential new business partners with the goal of determining the value of an optimal quick starting price point and closing a fast deal. Then optimizing their user experience making it easier for the new partner to generate value by advertising on the GambleRock social networking community.

I need a fully automated sales force that efficiently self negotiates & closes the deal at variable price points to meet the customers needs and maximize more value from our business. 

I would also like it to analyze user behavior as our social network members play free games on GambleRock. So for example, lets say new user John came to the website for the first time through the popular & free 777 slots game and plays the 777 game for 1 minute before navigating from the web page to play a new/different casino game on the GambleRock website. I want it to analyze how the user interacts with the site and produce actionable intelligence it can act on in a multitude of way or I can act on alternatively.

So the real big question is, how much does it cost me to do all of this?

Thanks a lot for all of the insights and education about the broad line of IBM products and services available to us. I think I am now ready to more forward on this outlined Watson strategy (if our AI bots can agree on a price naturally :) and look forward to moving working together and growing my business with the help of your tools and services.