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Missed IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents? On-demand viewing is available here
We're very glad to announce that last week IBMers Martha Cryan and Alex Bozarth were both officially added to the JupyterLab committer list! Open source is core to the ethos of IBM and how we build our own products, so we're exceptionally proud of Alex and Martha in their continued...
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[Link] Code: As an organization grows, how do we make sure that an insight uncovered by one person effectively transfers beyond the targeted recipient? Airbnb solves this with its knowledge repository project: An open-source...
Here’s the second post in our “Monday Replay” series. Once again, this lightning talk came out of the February 12, 2020 SF Python Meetup where the IBM Data Science Community was happy to be the sponsor for video post-production. The presenter is Phillip K.S. Chu ( GitHub ). Enjoy! ...
Context The IBM Data Science Elite (DSE) is a team of data scientists and data engineers who work with a select group of IBM clients to test and implement data science solutions — at no additional cost to those clients. The DSE team is the result of a stark reality that companies...
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This blog is posted on IBM Big Data & Analytics Hub here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What good are notebooks? Bridging the data science skills gap with collaboration May 10, 2019 ...
Challenged using #Jupyter Notebooks at scale in your organization? Sam Charrington (@samcharrington) and Luciano Resende (@lresende1975) spent some time discussing these challenges and the role of open source projects, like Jupyter Hub (LINK) and Jupyter Enterprise Gatweay , in making this...