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IBM TechXchange Conference October 21-24, 2024 Mandalay Bay - Las Vegas
I was recently asked for some code to show how I created the charts in my paper, Tables and Graphs for Monitoring Crime Patterns (Pre-print can be seen here ). I cannot share the data used in the paper, but I can replicate them with some other public data. I will use calls for service...
Last week the SPSS team was in the Esri User Conference. We had a booth shared with other IBM teams and also a great session on Tuesday afternoon. We announced new SPSS (Modeler and Statistics) extensions that integrate with Esri services. These are the first set of extensions and we have more...
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Motivated by visualizing overlapping intervals from the This is not Rocket Science blog (by Valentine Svensson) I developed some code in SPSS to accomplish a similar feat. Here is an example plot from the blog: It is related to a graph I attempted to make for visualizing overlap in ...
For a project I have been estimating group based trajectory models for counts of crime at micro places. Synonymous with the trajectory models David Weisburd and colleagues estimated for street segments in Seattle. Here I will show how using SPSS and the R package crimCV one can estimate...
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The other day I showed how one could make an edge list in SPSS , which is needed to generate network graphs. Today, I will show how one can use an edge list in long format to identify neighbors for higher degree relationships. So to start, what do I mean by a neighbor of higher degree...
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I've substantially updated the aoristic macro for SPSS from what I previously posted . The updated code can be found here . The improvements are; Code is much more modularized, it is only 1 function and takes an Interval parameter to determine what interval summaries you want. It...
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