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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
We held our second virtual meetup yesterday, with William Roberts providing an overview of the emerging field of ML Ops. Check out his slides and watch the replay below. Please head over to the forum to share you comments and questions . Join us again on Thursday, July 9 from 6 to 7.30pm...
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February 2020 | Volume 2, Issue 2 | Subscribe Spotlight OpenAI—>PyTorch OpenAI is an independent research group who has led the AI community in an assortment of projects ranging from NLP to RL. Their...
by Paco Nathan and Will Roberts AutoML is a term that appears increasingly in tech industry articles and vendor product claims, and is also a hot topic within AI research in academia. Consider how nearly all of the public cloud vendors promote some form of AutoML service. The tech ...
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1. Introduction In the first of our blog series on federated learning in partnership with IBM Research, we wrote about the mechanism for federated learning as well as the technology behind the paper that won the Best Paper Award 2019 at AISec 2019. It is very helpful to start with that blog...
Context The IBM Data Science Elite (DSE) is a team of data scientists and data engineers who work with a select group of IBM clients to test and implement data science solutions — at no additional cost to those clients. The DSE team is the result of a stark reality that companies...
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There are many conversations on the topic of bias happening wherever data science and in particular machine learning or deep learning are discussed. In this blog I want to explore the topic from a different perspective, one that was inspired by Hilary Parker (Data Scientist at Stich Fix)...