SPSS Statistics

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 How to transform approximate data

Domen Planinc's profile image
Domen Planinc posted Fri February 07, 2025 05:44 AM

My programme gives out data which should be 0.1, 0.22, 0.3, etc, but it gives it in approximate values (0.972248, 1.0002444, 0.1248545, 0.993411, etc). This makes calculations difficult and I am trying to transform these values to exact numbers, but struggling to get the transformation right no matter what </>, etc I use. Can someone please help?

David Dwyer's profile image
David Dwyer

Hi @Domen Planinc
It seems like you need to be able to round and/or truncate your computed values.  See the SPSS Statistics Command Syntax Reference Guide and specifically the arithmetic functions available.