Designing People-Centered AI: Modelling power and powerful modelling!

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When:  Dec 8, 2022 from 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM (ET)

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While AI models are evolving and we recognize the need to ensure that they are unbiased and provide effective socio-technical solutions, there is still much work to be done.In this session, you will learn from an experienced Designer’s perspective about how to incorporate people-centered considerations in your AI models:

  1. Applying current AI/Machine Learning models to create socio-technical solutions and their impact on people
  2. Some considerations to keep in mind about how these wonderful AI models could be used and misused, at scale!

Presenter: Dawn Ahukanna

Dawn Ahukanna is a Design Principal and Front-End Architect for IBM Systems business unit. Collaborating and co-creating human-centered solutions with clients and business partners, streamlining IT asset management and operations applying automation and preventative maintenance.

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