Data Science Elite

Within 90 days, we had the proof-of-concept, the results of which had demonstrated that we could improve our coverage by 500% and lower our costs by 80%

—Joni Rolenaitis, CDO Business Information Services, Experian

Hear more from our Clients

Nedbank and IBM Data Science and AI Elite - one team, one vision
Nedbank and IBM Data Science and AI Elite - one team, one vision
Nedbank and IBM Data Science and AI Elite - one team, one vision
Nedbank and IBM Data Science and AI Elite - one team, one vision
Nedbank and IBM Data Science and AI Elite - one team, one vision

Experian advances AI with IBM's Data Science and AI Elite

AI and machine learning are now helping Experian solve a problem building and maintaining business families and corporate linkages with a potential 500 percent increase in coverage and 80 percent reduction in cost.

How we help

We prove by doing. Together with your team and your data, we give you the skills, methods and tools to win with AI in weeks.

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The Data Science and AI Elite team

Tian Huat Tan - AP

Armand Ruiz Gabernet - Leadership

John J Thomas - Leadership

Susara van den Heever - Leadership

Carlo Appugliese - Leadership

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