Global AI and Data Science

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  • 1.  Wednesday, November 18: SF Python virtual meetup

    Posted Tue November 17, 2020 12:04 PM
    Tomorrow, November 18, from 6.30–8.30pm Pacific Time:

    Learn the latest in analytics queries, biometrics for cyber security & PySpark

    The SF Python events are always well run and consistently offer great programming. All online while we're still in a pandemic, so make sure to take advantage oft his opportunity and join from anywhere in the world.

    IBM is a proud sponsor of this event.

    Tim Bonnemann


  • 2.  RE: Wednesday, November 18: SF Python virtual meetup

    Posted Wed November 18, 2020 05:26 PM
    Starts in four hours, more than 150 people signed up. See you there!

    Tim Bonnemann

  • 3.  RE: Wednesday, November 18: SF Python virtual meetup

    Posted Wed November 18, 2020 10:05 PM
    Under way now, check it out!

    Tim Bonnemann