Hi Brent!
It is probably from before.
I had this problem back in July. I thought could be an SPSS license issue as it was expiring at the end of the month. Then I purchased a new license in July, kept having the same problem. And the license wizard was not updating to reflect the new license. I contacted the vendor, he guided me through a process where I renamed a file in the "bin" folder (I had to go on finder, find the SPSS26.app, click show contents, and then find the "bin" folder). I used it well for a quick project. I could make the crosstab work. But I couldn't use the split file function.
I don't remember how long exactly, but I haven't used SPSS in one month or two perhaps, in the meantime it is possible I had an iOS update (I did not keep track as those run automatically sometimes).
I needed to start a new analysis last week, run the crosstab and chi-squares last week, and then I had the problem again. Upon this problem, I manually updated iOS from the previous version (10.15.7), deleted SPSS, rerun the license wizard, tried everything.
Thais Reif
Original Message:
Sent: Tue September 29, 2020 01:30 PM
From: Brent Gardiner
Subject: SPSS26 crashing on Catalina 10.15.7 when run CROSSTABS
Hi Thais, was this an issue before updating to iOS Catalina 10.15.7, or only after the update?
Brent Gardiner
Original Message:
Sent: Sun September 27, 2020 02:32 PM
From: Thais Reif
Subject: SPSS26 crashing on Catalina 10.15.7 when run CROSSTABS
Hi! I have the SPSS26 gradpack, valid license purchased in July 2020, running on my MacBook Pro 2017, iOS Catalina 10.15.7.
As of recently, it sharted crashing with crosstabs, exact test, split file functions. For small or large datasets. I clink on the command and it goes, as an example "running crosstabs..." and never actually results in an output, stays on that loop indefinitely (I have left for one hour). I have to force quit and restart.
I can run a Kaplan Meier on a large dataset fine. But I cannot run a script to add labels to a dataset, as it freezes as well.
ANy thought?
Thais Reif