SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  SPSS - not showing output

    Posted 30 days ago


    I am a student and use SPSS mainly for my statistics module.

    When I started the program today, it failed to show any output window and i cant close the window with the "x" in the top right corner. (this has not happened before in the three months i have been using this program).

    I tried uninstalling and re-installing without success, the program still fails to generate any outputs and nothing happens if I click "OK" while running any analysis.

    I am using Windows and the SPSS-Version is

    If there are any solutions to this error, i would be very grateful, since I am completely at the end of my wits here.

    Thanks a lot in advance and kind regards,


    Philippe Süess

  • 2.  RE: SPSS - not showing output

    IBM Champion
    Posted 30 days ago
    If you mean the Viewer window is present but empty, check to see whether OMS is active - look for OMS in the status bar at the end of the screen.  If so, run the command
    in a syntax window or Utilities > OMS Control Panel.

    Sometimes in this SPSS version OMS gets triggered inadvertently.
