SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  spss i satın alarak bilgisayarıma kurmak istiyorum

    Posted Mon October 02, 2023 03:56 PM

    Ben makalelere IBM SPSS statistic ile analiz yapmak istiyorum. Şirket değilim sadece kendi bilgisayarıma kuracağım. IBM den orijinal bir programı satın almak istiyorum. IBM sitesine girdiğimde yıllık abonelik için 1172 dolar istiyor. Bu fiyat çok pahalı. Eski sürüm ya da abonelik gerektirmeyen sürekli kullanabileceğim bir sürüm nasıl nereden elde edeceğimi bulamadım. Tek sefer ücret verip o programı yıllarca kullanamaz mıyım mesela? 

    I want to analyze articles with IBM SPSS statistical. I am not a company, I will just install it on my own computer. I want to buy an original program from IBM. When I go to the IBM website, it asks for $1172 for an annual subscription. This price is too expensive. I couldn't find where to get an old version or a version that I can use constantly that does not require a subscription. For example, can't I pay a one-time fee and use that program for years?

    recep cevhan

  • 2.  RE: spss i satın alarak bilgisayarıma kurmak istiyorum

    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 11:04 AM

    If you want to analyze the text of articles, you would need SPSS Text Analytics which is in SPSS Modeler Premium and SPSS Modeler Gold.  Both products are available with a perpetual license, but the one time fee is considerably larger than the fee you quoted in your message.  Subscription licenses are much less expensive in the short term, but as a subscription, the software will require ongoing payment in order to continue to function.  Note that SPSS Modeler and SPSS Statistics are separate product lines with some overlapping capabilities, however Text Analytics is only in SPSS Modeler Premium and Modeler Gold.  You can obtain a quote for a perpetual license by contacting a digital sales representative via the SPSS Support Site's chat feature.


  • 3.  RE: spss i satın alarak bilgisayarıma kurmak istiyorum

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 11:20 AM
    There is a free extension command, STATS TEXTANALYSIS, for SPSS Statistics, but it is intended for the type of text typically found in surveys such as category "other" or analysis of answers to open-ended questions. rather than entire articles.


  • 4.  RE: spss i satın alarak bilgisayarıma kurmak istiyorum

    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 11:33 AM

    Thanks Jon.  Over 10 years here and that's the first I've heard of it.  Is this one that you created for the Extension Hub?


  • 5.  RE: spss i satın alarak bilgisayarıma kurmak istiyorum

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 11:38 AM
    Yes.   I think it is installed automatically in V 29, but it is on the Extension Hub.--

  • 6.  RE: spss i satın alarak bilgisayarıma kurmak istiyorum

    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 11:46 AM

    It did not appear to be installed on my v29 installation.  I just installed it and ran it against the Survey_sample data from the text analysis demos in SPSS Modeler.  It quickly provided some descriptive statistics on top 10 word frequencies, bigrams and trigrams.  The menus seem to suggest that it will do some sort of sentiment analysis, but that didn't appear in the output.  This is useful.  I've had several clients who were interested in Text Analytics, but didn't want to go the Modeler route.  This could be just what they need.  Thanks for making it!

    For anyone reading this, you can install extensions from the Extension Hub in SPSS Statistics by selecting Extensions>Extension Hub, then search for the type of extension you would like.  Click the check box and then click install extension.


  • 7.  RE: spss i satın alarak bilgisayarıma kurmak istiyorum

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 12:01 PM
    It has a bunch of different features designed to work with the traditional quantitative measures Statistics already has.  For sentiment, it can calculate a number of different measures as variables, and you can then use those with other procedures.

    The search functions can find patterns in the text and flag those cases.  Then, again, you would use those variables in other procedures.  For example, you  might look for cases with hate or its synonyms and a politician's name and use that to segment the data. or as a dependent variable.

    The simple frequencies output gives you word, bigram, and trigram counts with stopwords omitted and optional word stemming.

    There is an article about usage,  Analyzing Survey Text.pdf, that is installed with the extension.  It is in the STATS_TEXTANALYSIS directory under the area where extension commands are installed.


  • 8.  RE: spss i satın alarak bilgisayarıma kurmak istiyorum

    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 11:33 AM
    Thank you very much for your interest. I need a program that includes quantitative methods, descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing.

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  • 9.  RE: spss i satın alarak bilgisayarıma kurmak istiyorum

    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 11:36 AM
    Thank you for attention

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