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  • 1.  Q&A with Coursera and IBM: How to Get a Machine Learning Job

    Community Leadership
    Posted Wed March 03, 2021 02:08 PM
    Edited by System Test 17 hours ago
    The top technology jobs from recent rankings have one thing in common: the ability to leverage Machine Learning techniques to drive business decisions and prescribe recommendations.  Whether you choose to upskill to become a data scientist, data engineer, data analyst, or machine learning engineer, you will be expected to know the basic theory behind the most common Machine Learning algorithms as well as being proficient using the most common frameworks and libraries for Machine Learning, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence. The IBM Machine Learning Professional Certificate helps you cover these two main requirements by incorporating lectures, hands-on labs, and projects that help  you get ready to join most industries in a Machine Learning capacity.

    It's a great time to become a Machine Learning professional. But how can you quickly gain the skills and experience that businesses need?

    Ask IBM experts Meredith Mante and Miguel Maldonado, instructors of IBM Machine Learning Professional Certificate and IBM Machine Learning Rapid Prototyping using AutoAI on Coursera! Over the next two weeks, Meredith and Miguel will be answering questions like:

    • What is Machine Learning and how does it improve our everyday lives?
    • What is Automated Artificial Intelligence?
    • What is the difference between Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence?
    • What are the most recent job market trends in Machine Learning?
    • What are the skills that businesses seek for Machine Learning jobs?

    Reply to this post with your questions about building a career in Machine Learning! Miguel and Meredith will be responding live on March 11 at 2 pm ET. Join them on Webex!

    New members of the IBM Data Science Community 
    get a complimentary first month of any of IBM's Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Specialization and Professional Certificate subscriptions on Coursera. 

    Join the Community 
    to join the conversation.


    Miguel Maldonado
     co-leads the Machine Learning curriculum development for IBM's Data & AI Expert Labs. He has 10+ years of experience in Machine Learning, Data Science, and AI. He has worked in R&D developing data mining products and served in leadership roles as Director of Data Science and VP of Analytics across several industries including Retail, Banking, and Fintech. He holds a B.Sc. in Physics from Monterrey Tech and an M.S. in Analytics from NC State's Institute for Advanced Analytics. In his free time he enjoys hiking. He is passionate about democratizing Data Science and participating in datathons, local meetups, and events that support NGOs.

    Meredith Mante is a Data Scientist with a focus on education. Along with Miguel, she co-leads Machine Learning curriculum development for IBM's Data and AI Expert Labs. She has created courses for Coursera learners, for IBMers and for IBM clients with a focus on teaching about emerging areas like AutoAI. She has a bachelor's degree in Psychology from Princeton and a master's degree in Computer Science from NYU. She is passionate about sharing Data Science and AI with a broad community of learners from diverse backgrounds. Outside of work, she enjoys exploring parks in the NY/NJ area.

    Christina Howell


  • 2.  RE: Q&A with Coursera and IBM: How to Get a Machine Learning Job

    Posted Mon March 08, 2021 08:51 AM
    @Christina Howell that's a great offer! ​I really enjoyed taking AI Engineering from the Data Science community's offer last year but it was only limited to these courses at that time, leaving out the Machine Learning Professional Certificate (having done both I think Machine Learning is overall a better-done, more clearly laid-out progression):

    I'm glad to hear IBM is making everything on Coursera available!

    @Miguel Maldonado two questions please!

    1) Once we've finished the Machine Learning Professional Certificate, how can we best enhance our careers with it?

    2) I asked this on Coursera, never received a reply and am still very curious: Who is this lecturer?

    He delivered the lectures for practically all of the videos for Machine Learning and did a phenomenal job. His incredible clarity of presentation and explanation is a huge part of why I put the Machine Learning ProCert tops of my list of ML material on Coursera.

    For readers of the thread: If you're having FOMO, being overwhelmed by options or suffering analysis paralysis when selecting a course to use your free month on, I strongly recommend the Machine Learning ProCert.

    • The material is incredibly well-organized, structured and paced. The progression from EDA to Regression to Classification to Supervised to Unsupervised to Deep Learning feels completely natural as you're going through it.
    • As I mentioned above the Mysterious Unnamed Lecturer has a great speaking voice, enunciates like a crystal glass and is always encouraging and supportive, even with very hairy concepts.
    • The exercises are practical and comprehensive. You never feel like you're just loading up a Jupyter Notebook to RSRA and then close it 30 seconds later, there's plenty of value in all the comments.
    • "Dialing-in" the difficulty for an online AIML course is always tricky, because you don't want to summarize excessively and obscure the technical details completely, but on the other hand you don't want to plunge headfirst into the submicroscopic minutia of every bit of postgraduate statistics and linear algebra when first addressing a topic. I feel this course nails it down almost perfectly. You get introduced to quite interesting topics like time series decomposition and autoencoders, and get your hands dirty actually implementing them, but never bogged down with background mathematical detail.
    • Although the course page itself suggests a whole passel of pre-reqs to take it, I think most people would be ok just completing this Python basics class on Cognitive assuming they aren't already familiar. If you can install your own Jupyter server in your own venv with GPU support you're ready to go for this course!
    • ProCerts on Coursera entitle you to a free year's access to BigInterview, which has been really helpful for shining up my resume. For this reason alone I'd pick a ProCert over a Specialization, all else being equal

    Bishmer Sekaran

  • 3.  RE: Q&A with Coursera and IBM: How to Get a Machine Learning Job

    Posted Mon March 08, 2021 01:18 PM
    As an experienced developer, I have been trying to make the switch into Data Engineering and/or Machine learning areas.  I've taken the IBM Data Science certificate, among a couple of other courses, at Coursera.  While there seems to be a demand, there doesn't seem to be a way to bridge the gap between A & B.  Any suggestions?

    Kevin Dill

  • 4.  RE: Q&A with Coursera and IBM: How to Get a Machine Learning Job

    Community Leadership
    Posted Thu March 11, 2021 01:27 PM
    Thanks everyone for your questions! 


    Miguel and Meredith will be answering your questions LIVE on webex. Join here now:

    Christina Howell

  • 5.  RE: Q&A with Coursera and IBM: How to Get a Machine Learning Job

    Posted Thu March 11, 2021 09:30 PM
    @Christina Howell I had to miss the live session because it was 2 am in my timezone. Will there be a replay VOD posted?​

    Bishmer Sekaran

  • 6.  RE: Q&A with Coursera and IBM: How to Get a Machine Learning Job

    Community Leadership
    Posted Thu March 11, 2021 10:45 PM
    Good question, @Bishmer Sekaran. @Miguel Maldonado, @Meredith Mante, thanks for holding this session today. Can you confirm if you'll share the webex recording or some of the answered questions here? ​​​

    Christina Howell

  • 7.  RE: Q&A with Coursera and IBM: How to Get a Machine Learning Job

    Posted Thu March 18, 2021 10:05 AM
    Has there been any update on a posting of the recording?

    Kevin Dill