SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  Python Upgrade Possible in V26?

    Posted Mon June 14, 2021 02:57 PM

    The default Python version in V26 is 3.4. Is it possible to use Python versions higher than 3.4 with V26 instead?

    Thanks in advance

    Kees Smit


  • 2.  RE: Python Upgrade Possible in V26?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon June 14, 2021 03:21 PM
    Probably not unless, maybe, you can hack a Python installation to lie about its version.  I don't know how Statistics checks the version, however.

    Statistics 27 uses Python 3.8 and 28 uses 3.9.  Those Python visions are 99.9% upward compatible with 3.6 so it would probably work if you could figure out the test,

    External mode  might be another hack to try.  Of course, IBM isn't going to support any of those experiments :-)


  • 3.  RE: Python Upgrade Possible in V26?

    Posted Mon June 14, 2021 03:35 PM
    Thanks, Jon. I definitively understand the reluctance / refusal on the part of IBM to support outdated versions. I realize it was a long shot, but thanks anyway.


    Kees Smit