I am attempting to run Propensity Score Matching in version 29. I also attempted in version 27, but got the same errors. I have downloaded the required extensions from the extension hub. When I input the various elements, I get the following warning and error:
>Warning # 6894. Command name: BEGIN PROGRAM
>The external program exited unexpectedly and lost its content, a new external
>program will startup to execute the rest of job.
>Error # 6887. Command name: BEGIN PROGRAM
>External program failed during initialization.
>Execution of this command stops.
Additional error message: create startx process is failure.
Is there a missing extension file, are they not working properly, or do I maybe need to format a data in a specific way?
I have two Data>Propensity Score Matching options and tried both of them, but got the same errors on both.
Thanks for any help,
Deborah Pfortmiller