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Problem while uploading JSON data to Watson Discovery

  • 1.  Problem while uploading JSON data to Watson Discovery

    Posted Wed January 20, 2021 08:47 PM

    Hello IBM community, 

    I'm using the Watson services (concrete Watson Assistant and Watson Discovery) as a part of my bachelor thesis. Recently I've started exploring the Watson Discovery service, but an error happens several times while trying the ability to add a document through the API with different JSON file sizes: 

    - When I try with files smaller than 3Mb, the API responds with the document id number, which indicates a successful upload. But when I preview the data in the IBM console I see an error with indexing the data. 

    - When I try with files bigger than 3Mb but smaller than 50Mb, the API responds with the following message "Request Entity Too Large: The uploaded file exceeds the maximum allowed file size".

    Maybe there is a misunderstanding by my side, but in the documentation is written that Watson Discovery can process up to 50Mb JSON data through the API successfully. Where might be the problem in this case? 

    Best Regards, 

    Hristo Plamenov

    Hristo Plamenov
