Hello, I am new to the group. I am completing my dissertation and trying to learn SPSS on my own. I've done my best to explain the problem, but if I have left something out, please let me know
My design is a retrospective one group pretest posttest: I'm looking at multiple (13 total) cardiac risk factors before/after participating in a cardiac rehab program. Not everyone had pretest and/or posttest results, so I made the decision to include the risk factor in the analysis as long as it included both a pretest and posttest value - this means I do not have the same number of pairs for all of the risk factors, and will have to run tests of normalcy on each risk factor. Before this I wanted to look for outliers using the IQR method and did the following method, these were found online and confirmed by watching several tutorials on the same subject:
1) Analyze>Descriptive Statistics>Explore
2) Select the variable to the Dependent List
3) Under Statistics, select Descriptives, Outliers, and Percentiles.
4) Under Plots, de-select Stem and Plots and leave the rest as is.
5) Leave Options and Bootstraps as is
When I follow these instructions and the only variable I select is PreA1c, I get the following information
/PERCENTILES(5,10,25,50,75,90,95) HAVERAGE
Brian Foster