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Moving from AMOS 27 to AMOS 28

  • 1.  Moving from AMOS 27 to AMOS 28

    Posted Tue April 12, 2022 04:43 AM
    Dear all,
    I have a problem after moving from AMOS 27 to AMOS 28. Using AMOS 28 on models created with AMOS 27, I get different output regarding chi2 (much higher values than before) and its probability levels (now standard 1,000) as well as very stange NFI, TLI and CFI values. It says under Syntax faults called parameter specification expected. Those errors I did not have with AMOS 27 and previous versions. Moreover, if I run the calculations for the first time on the spss file, it works out fine. If I repeat the same calculations with the same spss file, the above mentioned trouble starts. Is there anyone who can help me out?
    Hans Siebers

    hans siebers
