Hello, Thanks for your question.
You are actually in the right direction. Machine Learning is all about learning complex algorithms and mathematics.
If you have profound knowledge of
Numpy, Scikit Learn, and
Tensorflow, then you can start with contributing open source projects.
There is a website called kaggle.com, which is a pool of ML developers who shares their knowledge there.
You can use that platform to test your skill and contribute to open source projects there.
They have the last amount of datasets available, which you can use to test your algorithms and compare the results.
It will be very beneficial for your career.
Best Regards,
Krunal Lathiya
Original Message:
Sent: Sat August 01, 2020 06:47 PM
From: Alessandro Farace
Subject: Looking to learn machine learning
I'm a student learning computer science and wanted to delve into some machine learning. I've done a few small projects/competitions but I would love to learn more of the practical skill set from someone by helping / tagging along on what they are doing.
I have a solid foundation in ML and lots of the mathematics involved.
Does this interest anyone? If this isn't the right place to ask, can you direct me somewhere more suitable?
Thank you for reading and stay safe.