When I do a simple cluster column graph the legend comes out perfectly, but if I do the same graph inside a two cluster column graphs in two GPL blocks, one on top of the other, sharing the same x-axis values, one of the legends comes out truncated and the keys are presented in a horizontal way, a line like. The nominal variable labels have several words in the SAV file.
I have been looking everywhere as I wasn't able to find a solution in the GPL Reference Guide for IBM SPSS Statistics.
I can correct this manually with the chart editor, but I have a huge number of similar graphs obtained with different data conditions in a cyclic way and I would like to find a solution to avoid individual chart editing.
I was able to partially solve the problem, by editing an SGT template file and choosing a smaller font, but the legend becomes too small to be acceptable.
I am working with SPSS (244) in OS X Sonoma 14.6.1
Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance
Miguel Tavares