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  • 1.  IBM Data Science Certificate Course - Issues with Watson Studio, Project Creation.

    Posted Mon August 03, 2020 09:05 AM
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    Hello... having issues creating a Jupyter notebook in Watson Studio. I have created project, added Notebook Asset... but it is stuck at 99%, and gives me following message... "Starting runtime for Jupyter Notebook
    The selected runtime has 2 vCPU and 8 GB RAM. It consumes 1 capacity unit per hour." 
    Essentially frozen...

    Any suggestions? Cannot continue classes without access to working Watson Studio. THX

    Joseph Nerenberg


  • 2.  RE: IBM Data Science Certificate Course - Issues with Watson Studio, Project Creation.

    Posted Tue August 04, 2020 05:31 AM
    What i do sometimes is to clear my browser's cache close the tab and log into Wataon studio again.

    Gaffar Solihu

  • 3.  RE: IBM Data Science Certificate Course - Issues with Watson Studio, Project Creation.

    Posted Wed August 05, 2020 04:42 AM
    I had experienced the problem with the Jupyter notebook unable to fully load the runtime and stuck at 99% at This is a javascript error mostly occurring in old web browsers. I did not experience this issue at You could download the python notebook and use it there. The IBM Data Science course uses the environment for some of the courses anyway.

    Aparna Mookerjee

  • 4.  RE: IBM Data Science Certificate Course - Issues with Watson Studio, Project Creation.

    Posted Wed August 05, 2020 03:41 AM
    Check your Watson studio projects.You might have several projects that consumed large amount of capacity. Remove some projects that you have done and try again. Seems the notebook is running slow.

    Samira Gholizadeh