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How can Artificial Intelligence help Healthcare - Health and AI

  • 1.  How can Artificial Intelligence help Healthcare - Health and AI

    Posted Mon February 10, 2020 11:29 AM
    One of the most noble application of AI is health, in my opinion. That's what brought me to change are in the IT world.

    I have already seen several amazing projects out there. But i would like you to "hear" from you all. Just use your imagination and tell your possible ideas when it comes to AI and Health. 

    Alisson Kalel
    Nutrition and Fitness Expert


  • 2.  RE: How can Artificial Intelligence help Healthcare - Health and AI

    Posted Wed February 12, 2020 11:13 AM

    In X-Rays for example and by doing the administrative task of a nurse like filling forms and letting her spend more of her time on the  human side of her work


    Marcelo Silva

  • 3.  RE: How can Artificial Intelligence help Healthcare - Health and AI

    Posted Wed February 12, 2020 02:15 PM
    Advancements Watson Healthcare has already made is incredible!  The concepts currently being researched are mindblowing!  As IBM leads the AI revolution, I anticipate and envision AI being able to:

    1. Instantly interpret imaging tests with immediate results being provided to doctors and patients.
    2. Evaluate multiple imaging and blood tests and correlate both current and potential concerns/risks.
    3. Reduce healthcare costs by providing doctors and patients with a highly encrypted/secure patient health portfolio that contains all current and historical health records.  This will eliminate redundant tests while giving practitioners access to tests hey may have skipped due to concerns about insurance coverage.
    4. Analyzing BILLIONS of research documents, trials, studies, health records, tests, and results in order to formulate both the most accurate diagnosis and the treatment with the greatest probability of success and the least harm and risk to the patient.
    New Brain-Twister
    Currently, drastic improvement to healthcare (globally) is at the top of the priority list.  What will take its place once we solve the healthcare goals and we are all living to the ripe age 150?

    David W. Kovalcik

  • 4.  RE: How can Artificial Intelligence help Healthcare - Health and AI

    Posted Thu February 13, 2020 01:51 PM
    AI indeed is changing the viewpoint of many in the field of  Health Care 
    just a brief of a project which I am trying to build called Skin Buddy 

    a mobile application where people can use their phone camera to scan the area of the infected reason of the body and can get a detailed report on what it is and possible solutions

    shantam sultania

  • 5.  RE: How can Artificial Intelligence help Healthcare - Health and AI

    Posted Mon February 17, 2020 04:45 PM
    Shantam, you're working in a really important area. This has been an active area of research for over 3 decades and has only increased in interest with the proliferation of smartphones. I recommend you search on arXiv for the most recent papers to see what others are doing in the field and on Google Scholar for some of the survey papers that discuss the current crop of apps doing similar things. 

    Because of the difficulty and expense of getting FDA approval for such an app, an approach which is gaining in popularity is Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) which simply shows users similar images with their diagnoses and letting the user decide what they might have and what course of action to take. This avoids making any kind of recommendation which is a trigger for regulatory oversight.

    If you haven't used it yet, you should look at the ISIC Archive for a dataset of over 23K labeled images. Granted, these are demoscopy images and not "clinical" images (the kind you would get with a smartphone) but it's a fantastic way to practice applying machine learning ideas to skin images.

    All the best...

    Tracy Petrie

  • 6.  RE: How can Artificial Intelligence help Healthcare - Health and AI