SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  Hello all!! I need help!

    Posted yesterday

    Hello all! I need help! I will promise to compensate anyone who can help me finish this darn project.

    I have data that I am trying to add values in for specific groups. For example, "Gender" - I placed a:

    But my gender for some reason, will not change to the numeric value that I had entered it to do so. Also, I placed age group values, as our professor wanted, but they do not change on my data view. 

    Anybody please help!! 

    tara hertweck

  • 2.  RE: Hello all!! I need help!

    Posted yesterday
    Edited by David Dwyer yesterday

    Hi @tara hertweck

    Looking at the snippet of the Data Editor that you shared.

    It appears that you are working with the "Gender" and "Age" variables.

    • The "Gender" variable seems to have been defined as a string variable -- It literally has "M" and "F" characters as the data (values).  Your professor is probably asking you you to recode this variable into a new numeric variable and then apply labels to the numeric values in that variable.  
    • The "Age" variable seems to already be a numeric variable; and yet your labels seem to be referring to single categories denoting ranges of values.  Your professor is probably asking you to create a new variable containing those ranges and then place Value Labels on that new variable and its ranges.

    For both of these you will want to explore the IBM SPSS Statistics "Transform" menus, paying attention to menu items with the words "Recode" and perhaps "Binning".

    Good luck with your homework!

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software

  • 3.  RE: Hello all!! I need help!

    Posted 9 hours ago

    try autorecode

    Art Jack