I find that there are upsides and downsides to the IBM Watson Discovery. Firstly, the platform allows you to analyse documents in a short span of time. However, the main downside is that, if I would only like to analyse a single document, and determine relevance to the issue, it would not allow me to do so. I have also find that GAAMA: Go Ahead Ask Me Anything by IBM which provides good analysis a single document is good at analysing a single document's text providing with scores. Just a few days ago, I managed to access to the webpage. However, today I find that the website link to the GAAMA has been broken. Could someone fix it?
The GAAMA website link seems to be broken:
https://reading-comprehension-website.mybluemix.net/And it is showing an error code
404 Not Found: Requested route ('reading-comprehension-website.mybluemix.net') does not exist.
It would be great if someone from IBM can help fix this problem.
Thank you