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    Posted Fri May 31, 2024 10:38 AM

    Dear all,

    I've done an experiment and I need to analyze it on SPSS. Specifically, I have 112 participants who had to read 7 different scenarios, and after reading the scenario, they had to indicate their degree of agreement on an ascetic scale with five different statements that were intended to measure my dependent variables. The aim is to analyze how the different scenarios impact the dependent variables. 

    independent variables: scenario 1 to scenario 7
    dependent variables: motivation, satisfaction, collaboration and help.
    control varibale : gender( male, female ), age and status ( employed, unemployed, student , self-employed, retired, other )

    I tried to do a test for repeated measurements, but I have a problem, I specified the factor (I have 7 scenarios so I put 7 level), but I don't know how to link my dependent variable( let's say  Satis ( satisfaction) ) which evolves along the 7 scenarios. Could you help me?

    Emma Iannello