Global AI and Data Science

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  • 1.  Feedback on AI blog post

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue January 23, 2024 05:15 PM

    Dear team,

    I have been studying AI and the related IBM solutions for while. Based on my learnings, I summarized a blog post on Linkedin. Enjoy the read and feel free to share any feedback or improvement needed.

    Exploring the Transformative Potential of AI in IT: A Look at Key Use Cases

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    Exploring the Transformative Potential of AI in IT: A Look at Key Use Cases
    As AI continues to advance, its applications in the domain of Information Technology (IT) are becoming strategic. This article will explore some key use cases where AI promises to add value the IT landscape.
    View this on Linkedin >


    Wagner Cendra

  • 2.  RE: Feedback on AI blog post

    Posted Wed January 24, 2024 10:29 AM

    Remarkable, as AI is transforming IT strategically and it is advancing day by day

    James Frederick
    Carlsbad CA
    +1 (858) 586 7777

  • 3.  RE: Feedback on AI blog post

    Posted Thu January 25, 2024 06:07 AM
    James, nice article. It is useful for the very novices not yet familiar with the AI paradigm. It keeps things at a pretty generic level. A couple of points:
    - there is a typo in the Cyber security section
    - the article has been written by AI, most probably ChatGPT. This is easy to recognize by the wording and by the "In conclusion" final section (each article generated by ChatGPT ends with "in conclusion"). It is highly recommended to make edits on the initial draft generated with ChatGPT, to add a human touch and personal style before publishing it.
    Keep up the good work, people need help in understanding the impact of the AI paradigm.

    Antonel Neculai

    Style Strand Media, LLC
    an IBM Business Partner

    Artificial Intelligence Certified Professional
    Communications and PR Specialist | Engineer
    Certified Online Marketing and Business Intelligence Consultant

    Phone: (843) 798-2327

    I don't expect results. I deliver them.

  • 4.  RE: Feedback on AI blog post

    Posted Wed January 24, 2024 11:43 AM

    All the hype on the use of AI is both a Blessing and a Distraction...

    Blessing in that the innovations and improvements from well designed AI additions to existing or new solutions offer the ability to greatly improve or monitor  improvements to IT processing.

    Distraction as like previously marketing hyped saviour IT Innovations. Providing AI additions just to gain market Me-To hype or are not well designed is like putting lipstick on a pig! AI additions must provide a clear and well defined benefit to IT processing that results in improvements that are measurable, not just for looks!      

    Use AI for strategic innovations that benefit products by providing measurable ROI!                  

    Steve Able
    Director of Strategy and Architecture
    Adaptigent formally GT Software, Inc.
