Thank you, I tried the curve estimation. Since I have more than 3 treatments, I placed the treatments under dependent, and week in the variable, I ticked exponential, power, linear and display ANOVA table. Thank you.
Carol Omara
Original Message:
Sent: Fri March 17, 2023 01:01 PM
From: Jon Peck
Subject: Exponential Decay #SPSS Statistics # global ai and datascience
You might want to start with the simpler Analyze > Regression > Curve Estimation procedure. It includes an exponential functional form as an option.
Jon Peck
Original Message:
Sent: Fri March 17, 2023 12:46 PM
From: Rick Marcantonio
Subject: Exponential Decay #SPSS Statistics # global ai and datascience
Hi again, Carol.
I'm afraid I can't do that, as I am no expert myself. Please try these tutorials and see if they help you:
NonLinear 1
NonLinear 2
Rick Marcantonio
Quality Assurance
Original Message:
Sent: Fri March 17, 2023 11:59 AM
From: Carol Omara
Subject: Exponential Decay #SPSS Statistics # global ai and datascience
Thank you Rick for the advice. Since I am not an advanced statistician. Would you care to tell me how I conduct this in SPSS.
I had a look at the Syntax reference, but I am not sure how to proceed from here or how to execute the Syntax in SPSS.
May I ask you to please guide me? Is it Analyze > Regression > Nonlinear? If I do not know what a and b estimates are, will it be possible to run without knowing their values? If not, how do I determine the a and b values. I understand that b must be greater than 0 and not equal to 1, what about a and c?
I am trying with this formula y = A1 *exp(-x/t1t) + y0 . It is my first time attempting exponential decay.
Carol Omara
Original Message:
Sent: Fri March 17, 2023 09:05 AM
From: Rick Marcantonio
Subject: Exponential Decay #SPSS Statistics # global ai and datascience
From one of our statisticians:
"She can fit the nonlinear models in NLR/CNLR."
See here for the Syntax Reference on that.
Rick Marcantonio
Quality Assurance
Original Message:
Sent: Thu March 16, 2023 09:59 AM
From: Carol Omara
Subject: Exponential Decay #SPSS Statistics # global ai and datascience
Please advise on the basic steps one can use to conduct an Exponential decay using SPSS v29. #SPSSStatistics #GlobalAIandDataScience
Carol Omara