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  • 1.  Explain the difference between narrow AI and general AI?

    Posted Mon January 22, 2024 11:31 AM

    The key distinction between narrow AI (Artificial Narrow Intelligence or ANI) and general AI (Artificial General Intelligence or AGI) lies in their scope and capabilities:

    1. **Narrow AI (ANI):**
       - **Scope:** Also known as Weak AI, narrow AI is designed and trained for a specific task or a limited set of tasks.
       - **Capabilities:** It excels at performing well-defined tasks but lacks the ability to generalize its intelligence to new or unrelated tasks.
       - **Examples:** Virtual personal assistants (like Siri or Alexa), image recognition software, and chatbots are examples of narrow AI. These systems are highly specialized and excel in their designated domains but do not possess broader cognitive abilities.

    2. **General AI (AGI):**
       - **Scope:** Often referred to as Strong AI, general AI is envisioned to possess intelligence comparable to that of a human across a wide range of tasks.
       - **Capabilities:** AGI would have the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge in a manner similar to humans. It can adapt its intelligence to various contexts, demonstrating versatility and problem-solving skills across different domains.
       - **Examples:** As of now, true AGI does not exist, and the development of such a system remains a complex and hypothetical challenge. Achieving AGI involves creating machines that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can, from understanding language to learning new skills autonomously.

    In summary, narrow AI is specialized and proficient within a specific domain, while general AI represents a more advanced form of artificial intelligence that can perform a wide range of tasks at a human-like level of competence. Currently, the AI systems we encounter in everyday life are predominantly narrow AI, and the development of general AI remains a long-term and aspirational goal in the field of artificial intelligence.

    seo metahub


  • 2.  RE: Explain the difference between narrow AI and general AI?

    Posted Tue January 23, 2024 04:28 AM

    I would advise anyone who wants to know about this to follow the course: Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals on IBM skillsbuild SkillsBuild ( it also involves a thorough explanation on the differences between Narrow, Broad and General Ai.

    Dennis Scheerman
    Solution Advisor

  • 3.  RE: Explain the difference between narrow AI and general AI?

    Posted 2 days ago

    According to my knowledge, narrow AI is task-specific and proficient within its domain, whereas general AI aspires to broader, human-like cognitive abilities. The AI systems we interact with daily are primarily narrow AI, while AGI remains a long-term goal for the future of artificial intelligence.

    Nurlan Tahirova

  • 4.  RE: Explain the difference between narrow AI and general AI?

    Posted 2 days ago

    According to my knowledge, Narrow AI is task-specific and proficient within its domain, whereas general AI aspires to broader, human-like cognitive abilities. The AI systems we interact with daily are primarily narrow AI, while AGI remains a long-term goal for the future of artificial intelligence.

    Nurlan Tahirova