SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  Error "For input string: "1,7" when creating a violin plot

    Posted Thu January 18, 2024 08:20 AM
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    when creating a violin plot using either the old syntax commands or the new Graphboard Templates, I get the red error message: "For input string: "1,7" and no violin plot. 

    I tested changing the type of scale of the data, the ouput and user interface language (I normally work on a German UI), four different PCs with 2 accounts, and two different data sets. Always the same error message.

    I'm running SPSS (241) on Windows 10.

    It would be great to hear any thoughts and advice on how to create violin plots in SPSS, preferably using the Graphboard Templates. I can upload my dataset, syntax file and/or output file if that is possible and necessary. 

    Kind regards,


    University Münster 

    Jakob Teichmann

  • 2.  RE: Error "For input string: "1,7" when creating a violin plot

    Posted Thu January 18, 2024 09:26 AM

    Hi @Jakob Teichmann

    Your command syntax looks pretty standard.  So I'd think the problem lies either in the version of the product you are running ( build 144) versus the current release ( build 20), or in the quality of your data.  Let's begin with getting you on the most recent release.

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software

  • 3.  RE: Error "For input string: "1,7" when creating a violin plot

    Posted Thu January 18, 2024 09:53 AM

    Hi David,

    thank you, for your quick reply. Your advice resolved my issue and I am now able to create the violin plot. Thank you for your help.

    Jakob Teichmann

  • 4.  RE: Error "For input string: "1,7" when creating a violin plot

    Posted Thu March 21, 2024 02:14 PM

    Dear David

    I have the same problem as Jakob. Unfortunately the update to the newest version has not helped. I still get the identical error as Jakob. Are there other possibilities to fix this?
    best, Roland

    Roland Gautier

  • 5.  RE: Error "For input string: "1,7" when creating a violin plot

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu March 21, 2024 03:20 PM

    I have a suspicion that the problem has to do with the decimal symbol in the input data.  It might be confused by 1,7 expecting a dot decimal.  Can you try with a variable that is all integer?

    Jon Peck