- We have a custom java application, which loads the document with and it' properties in a page.
- We are using "iFrame" tag in jsp file to call the embeddedContentViewer feature url to load the document.
embeddedContentViewer Configuration:
we have a launchCustom.jsp and header.jsp in websphere location )/opt/IBM/Websphere90/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/vqlflnapda11Cell01/navigator.ear/navigator.war/
We have embeddedContentViewer plugin and it is enabled in "I2R" navigator desktop. in iFrame we are calling "https://p8cmqa-icn.app.syfbank.com/navigator/launchCustom.jsp?feature=embeddedContentViewer&sideChrome=0&desktop=I2R" Url
3.In Previous chorme version 114, document was loading properly but post upgrade to chrome version 117 document is not loading (getting following issue in console - Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "https://p8cmqa-i2r.app.syfbank.com" from accessing a cross-origin frame.)
Could you please invlove Navigator Development team to analyse the issue and please schedule a call with them to fix it.
Sachin Kumar Godishala