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  • 1.  Constraint not working

    Posted Tue December 05, 2023 02:57 AM

    Hi I have a constraint that is not working as per the expectation. what could be the ideal way to code the following constraint. TIA

    for bin in range(max_nb_bins):
    for task in range(nb_tasks):
    mdl.add(mdl.if_then(mdl.presence_of(bin_task_var[bin][task]) != 0,
    mdl.in_range(bin_ex_intvl_var[bin], all_task_interval_lb[task],

    sandeep singh chauhan


  • 2.  RE: Constraint not working

    Posted Tue December 05, 2023 12:09 PM

    Hi Sandeep, it would be useful if you posted the whole code, or at least the code related to the variables/dictionaries

    • bin_task_var
    • bin_ex_intvl_var
    • all_task_interval_var

    However, it looks like you want to restrict an interval variable to lie between a task-dependent start and end, only when the variable is present of course. If this is the case, I suggest you use the span constraint (span_constraint) in the following way:

    for bin in range(max_nb_bins):
    mdl.span(bin_ex_intvl_var[bin], [bin_task_var[bin][task] for task in range(nb_tasks)])

    where the interval variables 


    when defined, will have start and end limited by all_task_interval_lb and all_task_interval_ub, for example:

    bin_task_var[bin][task] = mdl.interval_var(
    start=[all_task_interval_lb[task], INTERVAL_MAX],
    end=[all_task_interval_lb[task], all_task_interval_ub[task]])


  • 3.  RE: Constraint not working

    Posted Wed December 06, 2023 06:06 AM
      |   view attached


    Thanks for your response. I have to use interval variables as I have some constraints that need intervals. I am attaching the model. It is not giving optimal. Could you support on same. 

    Toys Selling Problem:
    Toys are to be placed in bins. These bins are to be sold.
    Each toy has a weight, and max life.
    Each bin has a capacity.
    Each toy should be in one bin only.
    The weights of the toys in the bin should not exceed the capacity of the bin.
    The time the bin can be sold at max is the minimum of the max life of the toys in the bin. We need to maximize life utilization.

    import math

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel

    def main(
        print(f"Solving problem {out_nb}")

        toys_df = pd.read_excel(r'out1.xlsx', index_col=0)

        toys_df = toys_df.filter(['toy', 'toyType', 'max_life', 'weight'])

        toys_df = toys_df.head(input_nb_toys)

        nb_toys = len(toys_df.index)

        max_nb_bins = max_nb_bins

        bins_capacity = np.array([each_capacity] * max_nb_bins)

        all_toys_weight = toys_df['weight'].to_numpy()
        all_toys_maxLife_ub = toys_df['max_life'].to_numpy()
        all_toys_maxLife_lb = all_toys_maxLife_ub * min_acceptable_yield

        all_toys_maxLife_lb_min = math.floor(np.min(all_toys_maxLife_lb))
        all_toys_maxLife_ub_max = math.ceil(np.max(all_toys_maxLife_ub))

        mdl = CpoModel('WP')

        bin_toy_var = [[mdl.interval_var(optional=True, size=all_toys_weight[toy], name="b{}-t{}".format(bin, toy))
                        for toy in range(nb_toys)] for bin in range(max_nb_bins)]

        bin_sell_var = [
            mdl.integer_var(min=all_toys_maxLife_lb_min, max=all_toys_maxLife_ub_max, name="b{}-sell".format(bin))
            for bin in range(max_nb_bins)]

        # constraint 1: one toy in one bin
        for toy in range(nb_toys):
            mdl.add(mdl.sum([mdl.presence_of(bin_toy_var[bin][toy]) for bin in range(max_nb_bins)]) == 1)

        # constraint 2: capacity
        for bin in range(max_nb_bins):
                mdl.sum([mdl.size_of(bin_toy_var[bin][toy]) for toy in range(nb_toys)]) <= bins_capacity[bin])

        # constraint 3: set yield threshold
        if yield_constraint:
            for bin in range(max_nb_bins):
                for toy in range(nb_toys):
                    mdl.add(mdl.if_then(mdl.presence_of(bin_toy_var[bin][toy]) == 1,
                                        mdl.in_range(bin_sell_var[bin], all_toys_maxLife_lb[toy],

        # objective
            [mdl.logical_or([mdl.presence_of(bin_toy_var[bin][toy]) for toy in range(nb_toys)]) for bin in

    Attaching data also. Thank you

    sandeep singh chauhan


    out1 (1).xlsx   9 KB 1 version

  • 4.  RE: Constraint not working

    Posted Wed December 06, 2023 09:58 AM

    import math
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel

    def solve_toys_selling_problem(out_nb, input_nb_toys, each_capacity, min_acceptable_yield, solve_time_limit, yield_constraint, max_nb_bins):
        print(f"Solving problem {out_nb}")

        # Load toy data from Excel file
        toys_df = pd.read_excel('out1.xlsx', index_col=0)
        toys_df = toys_df.filter(['toy', 'toyType', 'max_life', 'weight']).head(input_nb_toys)

        nb_toys = len(toys_df.index)
        max_nb_bins = max_nb_bins
        bins_capacity = np.array([each_capacity] * max_nb_bins)

        all_toys_weight = toys_df['weight'].to_numpy()
        all_toys_max_life_ub = toys_df['max_life'].to_numpy()
        all_toys_max_life_lb = all_toys_max_life_ub * min_acceptable_yield

        all_toys_max_life_lb_min = math.floor(np.min(all_toys_max_life_lb))
        all_toys_max_life_ub_max = math.ceil(np.max(all_toys_max_life_ub))

        mdl = CpoModel('ToysSelling')

        bin_toy_var = [[mdl.interval_var(optional=True, size=all_toys_weight[toy], name=f"b{bin}-t{toy}")
                        for toy in range(nb_toys)] for bin in range(max_nb_bins)]

        bin_sell_var = [
            mdl.integer_var(min=all_toys_max_life_lb_min, max=all_toys_max_life_ub_max, name=f"b{bin}-sell")
            for bin in range(max_nb_bins)]

        # Constraint 1: One toy in one bin
        for toy in range(nb_toys):
            mdl.add(mdl.sum([mdl.presence_of(bin_toy_var[bin][toy]) for bin in range(max_nb_bins)]) == 1)

        # Constraint 2: Capacity
        for bin in range(max_nb_bins):
            mdl.add(mdl.sum([mdl.size_of(bin_toy_var[bin][toy]) for toy in range(nb_toys)]) <= bins_capacity[bin])

        # Constraint 3: Set yield threshold
        if yield_constraint:
            for bin in range(max_nb_bins):
                for toy in range(nb_toys):
                    mdl.add(mdl.if_then(mdl.presence_of(bin_toy_var[bin][toy]) == 1,
                                        mdl.in_range(bin_sell_var[bin], all_toys_max_life_lb[toy],

        # Objective: Minimize the number of bins used
        mdl.add(mdl.minimize(mdl.sum([mdl.logical_or([mdl.presence_of(bin_toy_var[bin][toy]) for toy in range(nb_toys)])
                                      for bin in range(max_nb_bins)])))

        # Solve the model
        solution = mdl.solve(TimeLimit=solve_time_limit)

        # Print solution status
        print(f"Solution status: {solution.get_solve_status()}")

        # Return the solution if feasible
        if solution.is_solution():
            return solution
            return None

    # Example usage:
    result = solve_toys_selling_problem(out_nb=1, input_nb_toys=10, each_capacity=50, min_acceptable_yield=0.8,
                                        solve_time_limit=10, yield_constraint=True, max_nb_bins=5)

    # Additional processing or output based on the result can be added here

    Tamrat Workineh

  • 5.  RE: Constraint not working

    Posted Wed December 06, 2023 10:25 AM
    Edited by System Test 5 hours ago


    It is giving me infeasible solution. I tried with large time limit as well

    Solving problem 1
     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ! Minimization problem - 55 variables, 65 constraints
     ! TimeLimit            = 10
     ! Initial process time : 0.00s (0.00s extraction + 0.00s propagation)
     !  . Log search space  : 302.1 (before), 302.1 (after)
     !  . Memory usage      : 441.3 kB (before), 441.3 kB (after)
     ! Using parallel search with 8 workers.
     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     !          Best Branches  Non-fixed    W       Branch decision
                            0         55                 -
     + New bound is 0
                         1000         10    1         0 != startOf(b1-t4)
                         2000         12    1   F          presenceOf(b2-t8)
                         3000         11    1   F         !presenceOf(b1-t6)
                         4000         12    1   F          presenceOf(b3-t8)
     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ! Search completed, model has no solution.
     ! Best bound             : 0
     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ! Number of branches     : 22358
     ! Number of fails        : 10821
     ! Total memory usage     : 4.2 MB (4.2 MB CP Optimizer + 0.1 MB Concert)
     ! Time spent in solve    : 0.05s (0.04s engine + 0.00s extraction)
     ! Search speed (br. / s) : 456285.7
     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Solution status: Infeasible

    Process finished with exit code 0

    sandeep singh chauhan

  • 6.  RE: Constraint not working

    Posted Thu December 07, 2023 07:13 AM
    Check typo , compare spelling to the original word... line by line. You should be fine. 

  • 7.  RE: Constraint not working

    Posted Mon December 11, 2023 05:22 AM

    If you set each_capacity=90, you get a feasible result 

    Guglielmo Sanchini