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  • 1.  Cannot add cplex path on MATLAB

    Posted Fri May 27, 2022 03:29 PM
    Hello, so basically this is my problem. I want to connect cplex optimization studio V12.10 to MATLAB R2018b. But I cannot seem to find the matlab path as the instructions say. Please look at the screenshots. The first one is what I added, but it doesn't work. The second screenshot is my directory where I have IBM installed, but there is no matlab folder, why?? I know it's supposed to be yourCOShome\cplex\matlab\x64_win64 or addpath('c:\ILOG\CPLEX1210\matlab\x64_win64\') path as the instructions say but I cannot find that path, could you suggest me any solutions??

    The cplex part number installed on windows 11 home, was: CC438ML

    Giovanni Ponce


  • 2.  RE: Cannot add cplex path on MATLAB

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 10:20 AM

    I have the exact same issue with windows 10. For cplex version 12.10 and 12.6.3. Any ideas/solutions?

    Kilian Salomon

  • 3.  RE: Cannot add cplex path on MATLAB

    Posted Wed July 10, 2024 12:29 PM

    I have the same issue, the community version does not have the matlab folder and therefore it cannot be found in matlab. Did you get any help for this?

    Manpreet Bagga