I have the same issue, the community version does not have the matlab folder and therefore it cannot be found in matlab. Did you get any help for this?
Manpreet Bagga
Original Message:
Sent: Tue March 07, 2023 10:19 AM
From: Kilian Salomon
Subject: Cannot add cplex path on MATLAB
I have the exact same issue with windows 10. For cplex version 12.10 and 12.6.3. Any ideas/solutions?
Kilian Salomon
Original Message:
Sent: Fri May 27, 2022 03:29 PM
From: Giovanni Ponce
Subject: Cannot add cplex path on MATLAB
Hello, so basically this is my problem. I want to connect cplex optimization studio V12.10 to MATLAB R2018b. But I cannot seem to find the matlab path as the instructions say. Please look at the screenshots. The first one is what I added, but it doesn't work. The second screenshot is my directory where I have IBM installed, but there is no matlab folder, why?? I know it's supposed to be yourCOShome\cplex\matlab\x64_win64 or addpath('c:\ILOG\CPLEX1210\matlab\x64_win64\') path as the instructions say but I cannot find that path, could you suggest me any solutions??
The cplex part number installed on windows 11 home, was: CC438ML
Giovanni Ponce