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Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

  • 1.  Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Tue July 25, 2023 01:36 PM

    After updating the system, the 'Server Login' and 'Local computer' window pops up every time I open SPSS. The only response options are 'OK' and 'Cancel'. Selecting the 'OK' button results in no change and selecting 'Cancel' results in the window closing but the IBM SPSS Statistics will quit too. I have checked the solution provided by IBM but to no avail. Anyone else having the same problem? Or can someone provide me some solution?

    Charli Kwok

  • 2.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Wed July 26, 2023 11:03 AM
    Edited by David Dwyer Wed July 26, 2023 11:04 AM

    Hi @Charli Kwok

    I don't have access to a computer running the Sonoma beta.  I'll go on past experience with macOS updates.  In the past, macOS has introduced additional security features, specifically in the users $HOME path and perhaps in the /Applications path as well.  

    I suggest a clean re-install of IBM SPSS Statistics using the steps and script file in this technote.  Upon first launch, SPSS Statistics and the OS will often request the user to "ALLOW" access to these protected locations.

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software

  • 3.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Thu July 27, 2023 03:17 PM

    I have the same issue as the original poster and tried a clean re-install as suggested and it did not work. It did not ask me to "ALLOW" for protected locations. Please assist, thank you

    Adam Waytz

  • 4.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Thu July 27, 2023 05:22 PM

    Hi @Adam Waytz

    If a clean re-install didn't work, then there really is nothing to be done but to install a supported version of IBM SPSS Statistics to a supported platform. Currently, macOS Sonoma is in beta.  The most recent version of IBM SPSS Statistics for macOS ( version is supported on macOS 11 (Big Sur) through macOS 13 (Ventura).  

    You can keep up to date on our supported versions and supported platforms with the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports
    For IBM SPSS Statistics and macOS see this Detailed Report.

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software

  • 5.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Thu September 21, 2023 01:08 PM

    Now that Apple is releasing Mac OS Sanoma, do you know when IBM will update SPSS backend so it works on the newest updated OS?

    Travis Dean

  • 6.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Thu September 21, 2023 01:26 PM

    Likely December in SPSS 30.0.
    Historically they make users wait until the next full point release. 

    Tom Ainsco

  • 7.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Fri October 06, 2023 10:42 PM
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    Just to notify that the recent interim fix on Sonoma and SPSS didn't work. The app keeps crashing upon launch like before. FYI I attached the crash log (after replacing the old file with the fix). Hope a solution can be found. Thanks!

    R S


    SonomaSPSSCrashLog.rtf   466 KB 1 version

  • 8.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 04:33 PM

    Hi @R S 

    At what point in replacing the 'libplatdep.dylib' file do you think you've become hung up?
    Since I really have no idea of the history of your installation, I'd suggest a clean reinstall using the SPSS Statistics Fixpack.  The link you want will be at the very bottom of the page.


    The interim fix contains a new 'libplatdep.dylib' file.  Your task will be to find the old file under the SPSS Statistics application bundle. and replace it with this new file.

    • Right click the SPSS Statistics.app bundle and select "Show package contents"

    • Drill into the Contents and lib folders to find the 'libplatdep.dylib' file.
    • Move this file someplace else (like to your Desktop). Don't leave it in this location.
    • Go to the folder created when you extracted the Interim Fix Zip file.
    • Move the 'libplatdep.dylib' file to the "SPSS Statistics.app/Contents/lib" folder you saw previously.
    • Launch Statistics .

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software

  • 9.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 04:38 PM

    The problem for most of the users could have been resolved with a pkg installer for this Interim Fix — rather than a manual file manipulation and terminal command.

    Please pass that up the chain for the next time — and there certainly will be a next time — this happens.


    - Steve

  • 10.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 04:49 PM

    Hi @Steve Maser
    That's a great suggestion! 

    It would gain traction faster if you would log it yourself at the  IBM Ideas Portal and then encourage others to Up-Vote that idea.

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software

  • 11.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Wed December 06, 2023 11:34 AM
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    This solution works well for me. Now I am running MacOS Sonoma 14.1.2 with IBM Statistics (171). Thanks a lot for the guidance!

    Stevan Deby Anbiya Muhamad Sunarno

  • 12.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Tue September 12, 2023 10:38 AM
      |   view attached

    I have the same problem. After installing SPSS Statistics 29 on my MacBook with Sonoma software there is a pop-up screen named "server login", after this screen I am not able to continue because this window will close the application every time. 

    I am hoping that there is a workaround or fix. I have paid for the full license and I am not able to use the program without support. Hopefully there are technical people that can help solve this issue, because I need to use SPSS for my study.

    Many thanks in advance!

    Tom Geraeds

    Tom Geraeds

  • 13.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Wed September 13, 2023 10:44 AM

    Same here.  With Sonoma set for release on September 26th (as of today's announcement) -- we need a working SPSS 29 sooner than later.   :-)

    Steve Maser

  • 14.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Wed September 13, 2023 12:41 PM

    Hi @Tom Geraeds, @Steve Maser

    If you are not trying to connect to a remote instance of IBM SPSS Statistics Server, what this Server Login screen is telling you is that the SPSS Statistics front-end process (the GUI) cannot communicate with the 'spssengine' backend process.

    This can be caused in several ways:

    • firewall, other internet security software blocking the communication
    • user permissions blocking read and execute in the program install directory, or write permission within "~/Application Support/IBM/SPSS Statistics"
    • Permissions allowed/disallowed by default since macOS Big Sur.  Make sure the executing user has permission to rwx in their own home directory structure.  Make sure SPSS Statistics has this ability too.
    • Can the computer 'find itself'?  Many times this kind of behavior was resolved by adding a direct reference to this computer (by hostname and IP address -- not just localhost and loopback device) in '/etc/hosts'. In some cases I have seen where malware has accessed '/etc/hosts' and redirected it.  

    macOS 13.x.x (Ventura) is the most recent version of macOS supported by IBM SPSS Statistics and IBM SPSS Statistics (released yesterday).

    As of this writing macOS 14.x.x (Sonoma) is still in beta.  Unless an intervening fixpack (i.e., modification release (i.e., or minor release (i.e. is delivered, full testing and support for macOS Sonoma likely will not come until IBM SPSS Statistics  That said, the issues seen by IBM SPSS Statistics Support coinciding with a new release of macOS rarely differ very much from the configuration issues regularly seen from users deploying to macOS normally.

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software

  • 15.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Thu September 14, 2023 08:04 AM

    Hi David, 

    Thank you for reaching-out with suggestion. All three of the suggested methods are checked (no firewall, permission is allowed and the computer can find itself).

    I have read online that if you open SPSS Statistics from the terminal it should work, but unfortunately I receive the following message in the terminal:

    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFString stringByStandardizingPath]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x600000c3c120'

    Hopefully this message can guide you more exactly to the source of the problem. 

    Many thanks in advance!


    Tom Geraeds

  • 16.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Thu September 14, 2023 12:08 PM

    Hi @Tom Geraeds

    When you say you launch Statistics from command line, how are you doing it?

    I suggest:

    1. Open the Terminal.app
    2. "cd /Applications/IBM\ SPSS\ Statistics/SPSS\ Statistics.app/Contents/MacOS"
    3. "./stats"

    This should also work:

    open "/Applications/IBM SPSS Statistics/SPSS Statistics.app"; exit 

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software

  • 17.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 09:24 AM

    This still does not work on Sonoma connected to a license server.

    Steve Maser

  • 18.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 02:39 PM

    With all due respect David, that would be an acceptable answer if this was 1987. It really isn't in 2023. Imagine if Google said, "We are sorry that Chrome doesn't run properly, we should have a fix in three months." Or Microsoft: "Sorry that Word doesn't work. You can pay for a new version and upgrade in 3 months." Or Zoom: "You won't be able to hold any zoom meetings with anyone who has upgraded to the new Apple OS." I'm sure you'll agree that those things are ludicrous and would likely never happen. Only SPSS tells you that you need to choose between running SPSS and upgrading your system for the next several months.

    It reality, very few apps fail to run after almost every major system update and those that do fail are fixed within days. This includes every other stat software package that I use. SPSS is the sole exception. (I thought maybe IBM had dragged SPSS into the 21st century last year when it actually worked, but it seems we just got lucky). And honestly, it seems to be SPSS's archaic licensing system that prevents licenced users from upgrading.

    I get that you are not at fault for this and just have to provide tech support for the product you are given, but could you please give some feedback to your developers that this situation year after year is really not OK?

    Tom Ainsco

  • 19.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Wed September 13, 2023 12:42 PM

    Don't hold your breath Steve. Been using this for a couple decades. IBM/SPSS has by far the worst track record of working with MacOS updates of any single piece of software I have ever used. It shouldn't be this way. A statistical package is not complicated compared to 3D video games. No other software has these constant issues. (It's not surprising either given all of the hoops they made me jump through just to post a reply to your message. LOL It's just IBM's way.)

    Sorry to say, they rarely fix their current software for major system upgrades. In fact, I cannot recall any case where they have done that. We've been lucky that the last couple full point MacOS upgrades didn't break SPSS, but Sonoma one has. I don't believe you'll see this fixed until SPSS 30--probably at the end of the year. We'll see. 

    Tom Ainsco

  • 20.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Fri September 22, 2023 10:41 PM
    Edited by R S Fri September 22, 2023 10:42 PM

    Some people commented in other areas of this forum on similar issues and apparently someone said that the issue will probably get fixed in the new version of SPSS, due to be released in December. Frankly, I find this unacceptable, especially for those who need to pay for the software out of their pockets, and being students, do not have the same resources as a large company or a full-time working professional. I can't say if the fix is easy or not, but in certain instances SPSS crashes with a buffer overflow error. SPSS developers should fix this in a reasonable amount of time, because it is entirely possible and it is hard not to see marketing logics behind the choice to push the fix to a new version.

    R S

  • 21.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    IBM Champion
    Posted Sat September 23, 2023 12:09 PM
    This sounds like a bug in SPSS or one of the external libraries and modules that it uses.
    Have you reported this error via the crash report option on the restart or Help > Report an Issue or the traceback you can get by starting SPSS from a command prompt sometimes along with as much detail as possible about exactly what was being run?  

    The developers can't fix it if they don't know about it.  Hot fixes are issued when appropriate for serious problems in a release and can be installed from IBM Fix Central..


  • 22.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Sun September 24, 2023 12:31 AM

    I have been posting on this issue for quite a while, so I am pretty sure they know.

    The problem is that SPSS crashes upon launch, so a direct bug notification through the method you suggested is not possible. All I could do is to send the crash logs to Apple.

    I am pretty sure that if IBM engineers helped send men to the moon, they can also figure out a bug like this. Just I wish they could do it sooner than later.

    R S

  • 23.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    IBM Champion
    Posted Sun September 24, 2023 09:35 AM
    This would need to go to IBM, not Apple.  One way to get more information would be to launch SPSS from a command prompt.  There would usually be a traceback displayed there that would show where the buffer overflow is happening.  I didn't realize that the overflow was happening at launch.  Caveat,  I am not a Mac person.--

  • 24.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Mon September 25, 2023 10:24 AM
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    SPSS is not crashing as per se. Something in Sonoma is blocking SPSS from accessing the license server. This is why we get the pop-up with the local server information, which obviously we don't have.

    CJ Wilson

  • 25.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 04:44 PM
    Edited by David Dwyer Tue October 10, 2023 04:54 PM

    Hi @CJ Wilson
    That is the "Switch Server" dialog you are looking at.  It has nothing to do with deploying IBM SPSS Statistics with Concurrent User licensing on a remote Sentinel RMS License Manager.

    Looking at your "Switch Server" dialog, I see that there has not been a server chosen for the Statistics UI to connect.  The default value is for the Statistics client UI to connect to the local server ("Local Computer" above).  Click the square next to "Local Computer" and a checkmark should appear signifying that the Local Computer is now your default backend.  If you had IBM SPSS Statistics Server deployed in your network you could configure your SPSS Statistics client to connect to one of them by default.

    Of course, all of the above is relevant only after you have successfully installed the Interim Fix for Statistics 29.0.x.x that allows it to run on macOS 14.0 (Sonoma).

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software

  • 26.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Tue September 26, 2023 01:49 PM
    Posted a new thread focused on the release version of Sonoma:


  • 27.  RE: Can not use SPSS on macOS Sonoma Beta

    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 09:57 AM

    yes. i also experience the same problems. after undating my system  to macOS Sonoma, i can not use SPSS now

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