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  • 1.  AMOS - Higher Order Model

    Posted 8 days ago

    I'm trying to create this Higher Order model below, but it's not allowing me to do one way arrows from the exogenous latent variables to the endogenous latent variables. Does anyone know why it's doing this and how to override it? I noticed when I took out covariances between the endogenous latent variables that it's able to connect, but I need to have the covariances present.

    George Kertawidjaja

  • 2.  RE: AMOS - Higher Order Model

    Posted 8 hours ago
    Edited by David Dwyer 7 hours ago

    Hi @George Kertawidjaja

    Does your endogenous latent variable have an error term associated with it?  In Amos, all endogenous variables must have an associated error variable.

    Note Example 5, Model A. in the Amos 29.0 User Guide

    David Dwyer
    SPSS Technical Support
    IBM Software