I have to enable smbv2 on lpar running on AIX 7.1. How can I enable it.
[tc3ikw01:root:/home/root] lslpp -l |grep samba
pware53-64.samba.rte COMMITTED Samba 3.4.7 (64-bit)
[tc3ikw01:root:/home/root] ps -ef |grep mbd
root 27066504 1 0 Mar 05 - 0:18 smbd
root 29163718 1 0 Mar 05 - 10:07 nmbd
root 47644748 27066504 0 09:22:56 - 0:00 smbd
root 14877052 27066504 0 May 30 - 0:00 smbd
root 60293718 9306292 0 17:13:43 pts/1 0:00 grep mbd
Abhimanyu Gupta