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Accelerating Data Prep: Ask our Watson Studio experts

  • 1.  Accelerating Data Prep: Ask our Watson Studio experts

    Posted Wed June 03, 2020 02:51 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:34 PM

    If you find yourself spending hours and hours on mundane data prep tasks, please join us on Tuesday, June 30 at 11:00am ET as we cover tips and tricks for accelerating data prep with IBM Watson Studio Desktop.  We'll walk you through the intuitive, self-service data preparation environment where you can quickly analyze, cleanse and prepare data sets.

    Register here

    During the webcast, we'll use Kaggle datasets to turn raw data into AI-ready data during a live demonstration. You can build skills in cleansing, shaping and preparing numeric, text and time series data. Then we'll leave plenty of time for you to ask the experts your questions regarding your own data prep challenges and learn how Watson Studio Desktop can help.

    We'll be working within Watson Studio Desktop, so if you don't already have the software, sign up for a free trial here.

    In the meantime, introduce yourself to speakers ahead of time and share any questions you may have in advance of the live event. Use the thread below to reach out. We look forward to answering your questions!

    Graham Turney

  • 2.  RE: Accelerating Data Prep: Ask our Watson Studio experts

    Posted Thu July 02, 2020 12:45 PM

    Hello everyone, 
    You watch the full webinar recording and demo here. The slides can be downloaded from here and please post any of your questions below! 


    Sonali Surange