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Weekly roundup

  • 1.  Weekly roundup

    Community Leadership
    Posted Fri October 15, 2021 01:19 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:19 PM
    Below a few bits of community news, plus a look at what's on the calendar next week.

    • DataKind, one of our partners in the IBM Data Science Community this year, has announced a new CEO. We had the pleasure of joining their recent DataDive event (which was fantastic). We'll have a look behind the scenes ready for you soon. Another, smaller event with one of their chapters in Asia is in the works. Stay tuned for details!
    • Have you seen our new and improved Medium presence? Check out this post from our very own Jana Thompson, which takes a look at where data science is today and where it's going: Data Science in 2021. Recommended reading!
    • The inaugural IBM Community Festival has been announced, and you don't want to miss it. Just subscribe to IBM Expert TV for free and get access to all live sessions (and, later, the recordings). Should be fun!
    • In case you missed it, our new "weekly standup" invites you to share what cool DS/AI projects you're currently working on (and any challenges you may be facing). Leave a comment and let us know!
    On the calendar next week:

    Hope to see you there!

    For more upcoming events, check the calendar.

    Tim Bonnemann