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Meetup and Events Round-Up Week 2/2020

By Tim Bonnemann posted Fri January 10, 2020 02:50 PM

Just a few quick updates today...

More details available

The agenda has been confirmed for the February 12 SF Python meetup, with one of our IBM colleagues giving a talk on “Removing Unfair Bias in Machine Learning”. Should be very fun! The SF Python team regularly records their monthly meetups, so we’ll share the link to the video as soon as it’s available online. Stay tuned!

New entries

Our friends over at the IBM Machine Learning Hub are inviting you to join them Thursday, January 23: “
Real Data Science Challenges and How to Tackle Them: Chat with The Lab Webinar Series”


Proposals are due next Wednesday, January 15 for the “AI Ethics and Fairness” track at the Data Council SF 2020 conference in April.

See the full calendar here.

Enjoy your weekend!




Mon January 13, 2020 01:57 AM

that will be a good source of informations. very helpfull. thanks.

Sun January 12, 2020 09:38 PM

thank you for sharing.