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Activating IBM SPSS Software Without Internet Access

By Ted Fischer posted Tue December 26, 2017 08:17 PM

At a number of IBM SPSS customers (for both IBM SPSS Modeler and IBM SPSS Statistics) the end computer on which the software is installed does not have Internet access. Or there may be a firewall which prevents the License Activation Wizard (or LAW) from working. However in this situation you do not need to contact support to get your software working! Please follow the steps below to get going.

First, the license key administrator should go to the page where the authorization code is generated -- as in the example below (Go here for a demonstration on how to get to the authorization code), What is important is to click on the authorization code itself for the next step

Once the administrator clicks on the link, he or she will see a page asking for a lock code as seen below:

A lock code is an identifier tied to a particular computer and combined with the authorization code allows the software to activate. . How do you get it? For those running Modeler or Statistics on the desktop, run the License Activation Wizard. that is installed with the software. Click on next (it should only need one click) until you see a screen like below with a lock code

(If you are running a concurrent license you need to run the file "echoid" via command line from the Concurrent License Manager installation to get the lock code)

The administrator should enter the lock code into the license key center screen and click on activate. This will get your a full license code. Click on the license code to get the full text.

Once the administrator gets the full license code, he or she should provide it to you. Put the license code into the license authorization wizard screen that says enter codes (the screen after the one showing the lock code) and the software should be activated.

