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Fostering Economic Empowerment: Women in AI and Inclusive Growth

By Samira Gholizadeh posted Wed October 25, 2023 04:45 AM


In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed remarkable advancements that are reshaping the way we live and work. However, amid these transformative developments, the underrepresentation of women in AI remains a significant concern. The opinions and discussions surrounding women in AI are multifaceted, encompassing a range of key areas and reflecting a growing awareness of the importance of inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunity in shaping the future of this dynamic field.

The economic empowerment of women in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is not only a matter of gender equality but also a crucial driver of innovation, diversity, and inclusive growth. As AI continues to revolutionize industries, it is imperative to ensure that women have equal access to opportunities and resources, enabling them to excel in AI-related careers, businesses, and leadership roles. This empowerment is a multifaceted process that encompasses various dimensions, from addressing gender pay gaps and fostering entrepreneurship to providing education, mentorship, and access to investment. By economically empowering women in AI, we not only advance individual economic independence and prosperity but also enhance the overall dynamism and ethical development of the AI industry. This discussion delves into the multifaceted aspects of economic empowerment for women in AI, exploring the strategies, challenges, and benefits that come with promoting gender equality and inclusivity in this innovative and transformative field.

This empowerment involves providing women with the resources, opportunities, and support needed to excel in AI-related careers and businesses. This empowerment is not only beneficial for individual women but also for the AI field and society at large. Here's a deeper look at economic empowerment in the context of women in AI:

1. Equal Pay and Career Advancement:

  • Closing the Gender Pay Gap: Ensuring that women in AI receive equal pay for equal work is a fundamental aspect of economic empowerment. Organizations should conduct regular pay equity audits and address disparities. Addressing the gender pay gap is a fundamental step in promoting economic empowerment for women in AI. This gap arises when women are paid less than their male counterparts for the same work, which is not only unjust but also hinders their financial independence. Organizations should conduct regular pay equity audits to identify and rectify disparities in compensation. Transparent and fair pay practices are essential for ensuring that women are paid what they deserve. Government legislation and corporate policies can play a role in closing the gender pay gap. Many countries have implemented laws to promote equal pay for equal work.

  • Career Progression: Supporting women in advancing their careers in AI is crucial. This includes promoting them to leadership positions, providing skill development opportunities, and creating pathways for career growth. Career advancement encompasses promotions and opportunities for leadership roles within organizations. Ensuring that women have access to these opportunities is essential for their professional growth and financial well-being. Providing training and skill development opportunities enables women to acquire the competencies required to advance in their careers. This includes both technical skills and soft skills necessary for leadership. Mentorship programs and sponsors within organizations can also guide women in their career advancement. These mentors and sponsors provide advice, support, and advocacy to help women overcome barriers. Building professional networks and connections within the AI community is crucial for career progression. Networking provides access to new opportunities, insights, and collaborations. Balancing work and personal responsibilities can be a challenge for many women. Supportive policies, such as flexible work arrangements, maternity leave, and family support, can help women advance in their careers without sacrificing their personal lives.

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The effects of AI on the working lives of women

2. Entrepreneurship:

  • Starting AI-Related Businesses: Encouraging and supporting women to start their AI-related businesses can foster economic independence and innovation. These businesses can include AI startups, consultancy firms, or AI-driven products and services. Women-led AI startups often bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the field. Entrepreneurship fosters creativity and a willingness to take risks. Owning an AI business provides women with ownership of their intellectual property and the opportunity to shape the direction and values of their enterprises.

  • Access to Resources: Ensuring that women have access to the necessary resources, such as capital, mentorship, business development programs, and networking opportunities, is essential for their success as AI entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs often seek investment to fund their startups. Efforts should be made to ensure women have equal access to capital, whether from venture capital firms, angel investors, or grants. Women entrepreneurs are well-positioned to develop AI solutions that consider a broader spectrum of perspectives and address a wider range of societal needs. Women entrepreneurs serve as role models for the next generation of women in AI. Their success inspires young girls to pursue careers in AI and entrepreneurship.

Woman working with technology.

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3. Investment and Funding:

  • Investing in Women-Led AI Startups: Encouraging investment in women-led AI startups helps provide the financial backing needed to bring innovative AI solutions to the market. Investors should actively seek opportunities to fund women-owned businesses in AI. To promote investment in women-led AI startups, it's crucial to raise awareness about the benefits of gender diversity in the tech industry and encourage investors, venture capital firms, and angel investors to actively seek and support these businesses. By doing so, we can harness the full potential of women entrepreneurs, foster innovation, and develop AI solutions that are both technologically advanced and socially responsible. 

  • Access to Funding Sources: Making funding sources, such as venture capital and grants, more accessible to women in AI is crucial for encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation. Funding enables women researchers to explore new AI technologies and conduct innovative research. It supports breakthroughs in the field. Access to funding calso ontributes to economic empowerment for women in AI. It allows them to achieve financial independence and engage in high-impact projects. 

4. Education and Training:

  • Accessible Education: Providing affordable and accessible education and training in AI-related fields ensures that women have the skills and knowledge required to excel in AI careers and entrepreneurship. Accessible education provides women with the opportunity to develop the technical skills necessary for AI-related careers. It allows them to acquire expertise in machine learning, data science, and AI programming. Education opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities in AI, from research and development to data analysis and AI engineering. It provides the foundation for a successful career in this field. Accessible education ensures that women, regardless of their background, have equal opportunities to enter the AI workforce. It promotes gender inclusivity in technology. It bridges the knowledge gap in AI, enabling women to be on par with their male counterparts and compete effectively in the job market. Efforts to improve accessible education for women in AI include creating scholarships, online courses, mentorship programs, and support networks that specifically target women. These initiatives aim to lower barriers to entry and provide women with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the AI field, ultimately promoting economic empowerment and inclusivity.

  • Comprehensive Skill Development: Offering opportunities for women to develop not only technical skills but also entrepreneurial, leadership, and management skills is essential for their success in AI-related businesses. Skill development equips women with the technical proficiency needed to excel in AI-related roles. It includes expertise in programming, machine learning, data analysis, and other AI-specific skills.Comprehensive skills make women versatile in the AI workforce. They can adapt to various roles, from AI research and development to data science and AI engineering.

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5. Networking and Mentorship:

  • Professional Networks: Connecting women in AI with professional networks and associations can provide valuable connections, mentorship, and opportunities for collaboration.

  • Structured Mentorship Programs: Mentorship programs in the AI field, whether within organizations or through external networks, offer structured guidance, support, and pathways for professional growth.

6. Inclusive Workplaces:

  • Creating Inclusive Cultures: Fostering inclusive and diverse workplaces in AI organizations is vital. Inclusivity ensures that women feel valued, respected, and supported in their career development.

  • Work-Life Balance: Providing flexible work arrangements, family support policies, and maternity leave options helps women balance their professional and personal lives effectively.

7. Recognition and Visibility:

  • Celebrating Achievements: Recognizing the achievements and contributions of women in AI through awards, honors, and media coverage increases their visibility and inspires others to pursue AI-related careers and entrepreneurship.

Economic empowerment in AI is about removing barriers, addressing gender bias, and providing women with the resources and opportunities needed to thrive in the field. By fostering a more inclusive and equitable AI industry, we harness the diverse talent, creativity, and innovation that women bring to the field, ultimately benefiting both the AI sector and society as a whole.


Samira Gholizadeh
Mechanical & Materials Scientist
Machine Learning Engineer 
University of Cape Town



