SPSS Statistics

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New SPSS Statistics Video Library now available

By Sajan Kuttappa posted Mon April 05, 2021 02:27 PM

SPSS Statistics offers a comprehensive set of capabilities in support of the entire analytical process from data preparation and management to analysis and reporting. It simplifies and accelerates data analytics by offering a simple menu-driven user interface that allows you to get to insights with just a few clicks, without any coding. SPSS Statistics also delivers tables and visualizations to communicate results effectively.

The IBM team has put together demo videos to help you with your statistical analysis and understand how you can take advantage of the rich set of statistical procedures that SPSS Statistics provides.  These training videos cover a range of topics including data preparation capabilities within SPSS Statistics, output and visualization capabilities of SPSS Statistics,  demonstration of how you can run descriptive statistics, regression, advanced statistics and much more.

Check out our new Video Library in the Community Library to find each of our demos and follow the discussion thread to engage with our experts and ask questions. 

Video Library contents: 

1. Product tour
2. Procedure videos
  1. IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics in action 
  2. IBM SPSS Statistics Forecasting demo 
  3. IBM SPSS Data Preparation Demo 
  4. IBM SPSS Bootstrapping Demo 
  5. Output enhancements in SPSS Statistics 27 
  6. SPSS Conjoint Demo 
  7. IBM SPSS Categories in action 
  8. IBM SPSS Neural Networks in action 
  9. IBM SPSS Direct Marketing Demo 
  10. IBM SPSS Complex Samples Demo
  11. IBM SPSS Decision Trees Demo in action
  12. IBM SPSS Regression in action 
  13. IBM SPSS Missing Values 
  14. IBM SPSS Statistics Exact Tests 
  15. IBM SPSS Custom Table in action
  16. Custom Tables and Advanced Statistics Add-on for IBM SPSS Statistics 
  17. Decision Trees add-on for SPSS Statistics 

