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Generative AI Made Easy

By RAJEEV RAUTELA posted Fri March 22, 2024 12:39 AM


In our current era, the wealth of knowledge and information is boundless. Yet, despite our desire to learn, many of us find ourselves constrained by limited time amidst our daily routines.".

Keeping this in mind, I have designed this series in such a way that: The series is divided in small logical units. Each part requires maximum 7–10 minutes to learn. In this blog series, we will learn the basics of Generative AI, one simple step at a time.

The content is written in layman's terms - After finishing the series, you will get a clear idea on Generative AI and its various components. 

Big Question 🙋 

Is it required to understand AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to learn Generative AI?

       Forget the hype, Be hyper focused. Now let's begin 

Generative AI is a subset of deep learning, which in turn is a subset of machine learning, which in turn is a subset of AI as shown in above image:

To get a crystal-clear understanding of Generative AI, it's required that we have basic understanding of AI, ML and DL.

Now let us start with Artificial Intelligence:

The "artificial" aspect emphasizes that this intelligence is engineered by humans and is not inherently present in the machines themselves.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Through the Eyes of a Child (Finding a🙀) 

Let's simplify the understanding of AI. Imagine you've lost your cat, and you really want to find her. Here are the key abilities you'd need to locate your feline friend:

1.Recognizing Your Cat: Identify if the animals you see are cats and then figure out if one of them is your cat.

2.Planning the Search: Create a strategy, like searching your house first where she spent most of her time, then the play area, asking neighbours, friends, and so on.

3. Adapting to the Situation: Adjust your search based on factors like weather; for instance, focus on shaded areas if it's raining

4.Response to Information: Imagine someone says, "I might have seen your cat near the garden." Your brain instantly knows what to do:

  • You know how to get to the garden.
  • You won't mistake a dog or horse, or cow, or a tree for your cat.
  • As soon as you see a cat, you'll try to figure out if it's yours

5. Applying Knowledge: Your intelligence includes:

  • Knowing the layout of your home, such as the number of rooms and the areas where she typically spends most of her time
  • Recognizing your cat among other cats, or different animals. etc
  • Understanding and responding to human language

6. Creating a Search Strategy: Develop a plan based on the new information, such as searching specific areas around the garden.

*Now, imagine if we could give these same abilities to a robot so that the next time you lose your cat, the robot could find her.

*The robot needs to recognize your home, even if things have changed.

* It should be able to identify a cat and specifically recognize your cat not other cats.

* The robot should understand human language and follow instructions

*It needs to create a plan an adapt to new situations, like searching in different way if it is night or raining so look for shaded area, etc

In short, for the robot to find your cat, it needs human-like intelligence. If we can achieve that, the next time your cat goes missing, your robot companion might just locate her using its artificial intelligence.

This is Artificial Intelligence (AI) — Human-like intelligence created in a robot (or a machine or computer) by humans.

In simple words — AI is when we enable computers to Think & Act

AI enables computers to understand, analyze data, and make decisions without constant human guidance. These intelligent machines use algorithms, which are step-by-step instructions, to process information and improve their performance over time.

NOW, ready with the "VIKI" in next series - 

A scene from 2004 movie I, Robot- showing VIKI (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence) - VIKI is a central artificial intelligence character in the film.

Below image from the movie (Source - 20th Century Fox)

What this VIKI to do with types of AI- let's get the answer in next series, happy reading :)

