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Webinar: Solve the data chaos: Find the answers you need with CrushBank and watsonx

By NICK PLOWDEN posted 27 days ago


Solve the data chaos: Find the answers you need with CrushBank and watsonx 

Part of the IBM TechXchange watsonx in Action Series

Are your teams overwhelmed by the many data sources at your organization? Join our upcoming webinar to explore how CrushBank's innovative private data lake and IBM watsonx can streamline daily work. Discover how this makes everything searchable and provides instant answers to your queries, empowering more efficient work.

In this webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Streamline your workflow: Learn how to simplify the process of finding critical information across various internal data sources
  • Boost productivity: See how immediate access to answers can save time and enhance efficiency
  • Improve decision-making: Understand how a centralized, searchable data lake can provide the insights needed for better business decisions

Please join us on 25 June 2024, 1:00 PM ET. Please share any questions by clicking on the Reply button. If you have not done so already, register here and download it to your calendar.

Our guest speaker at this webinar is one of our new 2024 IBM Champions, David Tan, who is the Chief Technology Officer of CrushBank Technology, Inc. 

