We are pleased to announce the December 2018 update for the SPSS Statistics Subscription new user interface. The latest update to our
award-winning interface includes procedures, data preparation techniques and support for Python and R. It also includes a new ROC analysis that is only available in the new user interface.
Below are a few highlights of this update:
ROC Analysis (new!)Previously, this procedure only allowed one curve to be analyzed, this update will allow for multiple variables to be analyzed. For the time being, this new analysis can only be found in the new interface. To find it, go to: Analyze -> Classification -> ROC Analysis. To learn more, click
Seasonal Decomposition Allows you to analyze time-series data to identify trends. To find it, go to: Analyze -> Forecasting -> Seasonal Decomposition. To learn more, click
Python & R PluginsPython and R plugins are now supported which means Python & R scripts can be executed in the application’s syntax editor. To find this, go to: File -> Open -> Script -> (select version). To learn more about Python Plugins, click
here. To learn more about R Plugins, click
Merge FilesProvides capability to merge two or more files to create a new dataset with just the cases or variables you want. To find this, go to: Data -> Merge Files. To learn more, click

Additional updates are listed below.
New Procedures:
• Two-Independent-Samples Tests
• Two-Related-Samples Tests
• K Related Samples Tests
• K-Independent Samples Tests
• Chi-Square Test
• Runs Test
• Binomial Test
• Spectral Plots
Data Transformation and Preparations:
• Recode into Same Variables
• Recode into Different Variables
• Automatic Recode
• Shift Values
• Replace Missing Values
• Create Time Series
• Generate Orthogonal Design
• Identify Duplicate Cases
• Identify Unusual Cases
Each update to the new user interface is a progression towards providing the same capabilities as the classic version. If you are not able to find the procedure you need in the new user interface, you can still use the classic version that’s included with your SPSS Statistics subscription.
We hope you enjoy these new updates. To send us your feedback, click the “Give Feedback” button on the welcome tab (upper right corner of the new UI) or go to the top menu and select “Help” –> “Let us know about your experience”.