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Automating SSL Certificate Management with Ansible: Secure Your Domain Effortlessly

By Hiren Dave posted 27 days ago


In today's security-conscious digital landscape, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates are a non-negotiable. They encrypt the communication between your website and its visitors, ensuring data privacy and building trust. However, managing these certificates manually can be a hassle, especially when dealing with multiple websites or frequent renewals.  That's where Ansible comes in, automating this critical process.

Why Automate SSL Certificate Management? 

Save Time:

No more manual key and certificate generation, validation, or installation.

Reduce Errors:

Minimize the risk of misconfigurations that could lead to security vulnerabilities.

Ensure Continuity:

Automatically renew certificates before they expire, preventing disruptions and security warnings.

Scale Easily:

Handle certificates for numerous websites or servers with ease.

Improves Security:

Timely renewal of certificates ensures that your site remains secure without any downtime.

Introducing Ansible

Ansible is a powerful automation tool known for its simplicity and agentless architecture. It allows you to define your infrastructure as code, making it easy to manage, reproduce, and scale. By leveraging Ansible playbooks and modules, you can automate the entire SSL certificate lifecycle.

How to Automate SSL Certificate Management with Ansible

Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

Overview of Different Stages in CI Pipeline

Choose Your Certificate Authority (CA)

Select a CA that offers an API for certificate management (e.g., Let's Encrypt, Certbot).

Set Up Ansible

Install Ansible and familiarize yourself with its basic concepts.

Create Your Playbook

Write an Ansible playbook that does the following:

· Generate a Private Key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR): Use Ansible modules like openssl_privatekey and openssl_csr.

· Issue or Renew the Certificate: Integrate with your chosen CA's API.

· Install the Certificate: Configure your web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx) to use the new certificate.


  • An Ansible environment set up and running.
  • Access to a certificate authority like Let’s Encrypt.
  • Domain names properly configured with DNS.

Step 1: Install Required Ansible Roles

Ansible roles are pre-packaged units of work that encapsulate all the necessary tasks and files to accomplish a goal. For SSL certificates, we’ll need roles that can handle the certificate issuance and renewal process.

$ ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.certbot

Step 2: Configure Ansible Playbook

Create an Ansible playbook that defines the tasks to be executed. Here’s an example snippet:

- hosts: web_servers

  become: yes


    - role: geerlingguy.certbot

      certbot_create_if_missing: true


        - domains:

            - ""

            - ""

Step 3: Automate Renewal with Cron

Certificates from Let’s Encrypt are valid for 90 days. To ensure they’re renewed before they expire, you can set up a cron job that runs the Ansible playbook periodically.

0 3 * * * /usr/bin/ansible-playbook /path/to/your/playbook.yml --tags "certbot"

This cron job will run the playbook every day at 3 AM, checking if the certificates need renewal.

Example Ansible Playbook (Let's Encrypt):


- name: SSL Certificate Management

  hosts: webservers

  become: yes


    - name: Generate Private Key


        path: /etc/ssl/private/your_domain.key

    - name: Generate CSR


        path: /etc/ssl/csr/your_domain.csr

        privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/your_domain.key


    - name: Obtain/Renew Certificate (Let's Encrypt)


        account_key_src: /path/to/your/account.key

        csr: /etc/ssl/csr/your_domain.csr

        dest: /etc/ssl/certs/your_domain.crt

        fullchain_dest: /etc/ssl/certs/your_domain_fullchain.crt

    - name: Install Certificate

      # Your web server configuration tasks here (e.g., update Apache or Nginx)

Important Considerations:


Store your private keys securely.

Cron Jobs

Schedule your Ansible playbook to run periodically for automatic renewals.


Thoroughly test your automation process in a non-production environment.

Key Benefits:

Effortless Security

Free up your time to focus on other critical tasks.

Increased Reliability

Avoid costly downtime due to expired certificates.

Enhanced Scalability

Manage SSL for any number of websites efficiently.


If you're looking to simplify your SSL certificate management, Ansible is an excellent choice. With Ansible, the process of issuing and renewing SSL certificates can be fully automated, making your web security management much more efficient and reliable. By following the steps outlined above, you can set up a system that keeps your SSL certificates up-to-date without any manual intervention.


