SPSS Statistics

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Announcing the Future of SPSS Statistics

By Douglas Stauber posted Mon October 23, 2017 03:48 PM

Next year, SPSS is going to celebrate its Golden Anniversary. For 50 years, SPSS has been the leading statistical software package. Decades before the "data science" term was coined, SPSS provided the world with a user friendly, reliable, and trustworthy means to yield actionable insights from data. To celebrate this Golden Anniversary, IBM Design, Development, and Offering Management have worked together with customers to deliver a new user interface for SPSS Statistics.

The new UI is a major milestone for SPSS Statistics. It modernizes the software, adds brand new & unique features, and prepares the way for a bright future. In short, the new UI represents the beginning of a new era for SPSS.

The new UI adds major never-before-seen features: most notably, a searchable page of available analyses and an output viewer that allows you to change analyses and datasets on the spot for easier refinement and repetition. The new UI also includes a live tutorial to help introduce new features and an organized tab interface to create a more organized work environment.

[caption id="attachment_7083" align="alignnone" width="2784"] The new SPSS Statistics Data Editor and variable view slider[/caption]

If you are a paid Subscribers of SPSS Statistics, we invite you to try the preview of our new user interface today. This initial preview starts with basic functionality that lets you load SPSS data or import CSV files, change variable metadata, run popular analytic procedures, and work with the results. On the syntax side, most of the commands according to your paid Subscription can be run. All remaining key functionality will continuously be added over time, so you can expect this preview will get better and better every month. We are deliberately following an iterative approach because we want to develop the new SPSS Statistics experience in a way that is maximally user-centered.

To aid in this, we have included a "Give Feedback" link on the Welcome page, and we encourage you to tell us about your experience and suggestions and report any problems that you encounter. This will help us ensure that the new user interface will fit your needs. After you elect to give feedback, you can even choose to join our sponsor user program to actively participate in the design and development of the new UI.

[caption id="attachment_7085" align="alignnone" width="2784"] Organize, edit, and rerun analyses with the new output viewer[/caption]

If you are a paid Subscriber of SPSS Statistics, follow these instructions to download and try the new Preview.

Keep watching this community for more information on the roadmap and the rollout of the new UI to all SPSS Statistics customers. Big thank you to all the developers, designers, and OM that are making this happen!

[caption id="attachment_7084" align="alignnone" width="2784"] Quickly find the right function with the new searchable analyze screen[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_7086" align="alignnone" width="2784"] Run all your SPSS syntax in a fast syntax editor with auto-complete[/caption]




Wed February 06, 2019 12:12 AM

Can you give us some estimate of when version 26 will be available for those of us that use SPSS in a university setting with a site license held by the university.

Thu November 15, 2018 10:06 PM

Hi Ed - We're not able to provide an announcement date yet, but the best way to try the latest version of SPSS Statistics is to use a trial of SPSS Statistics Subscription. Be sure you download the new UI on that page and be sure to provide feedback. There is a link to do so at the top of the product.

Mon November 12, 2018 11:12 PM

Can you give us some estimate of when version 26 will be available for those of us that use SPSS in a university setting with a site license held by the university. Has the video showing a preview of version 26 been released yet? if so, how do I look at it? It would be very helpful to have some schedule so we can know when we will be able to use it in our classes keeping in mind that we need time to prepare class materials.

Sun August 19, 2018 07:45 PM

Looks amazing, Doug.
Do you have any time indication of when this will be released to the public?

Tue July 24, 2018 02:27 PM

Hello - The most recent official version of SPSS Statistics was SPSS Statistics Version 25. When this revised version releases will it be called version 26 or will there be a significant change in product naming (due to the use of the overhauled UI )? Thanks.

Mon June 18, 2018 03:01 AM

Looks good! The interface has the same look and feel as DSX Desktop. When you say the technology makes it more cloud ready, does this mean there will be integration eventually with DSX / Watson Studio and related components like Kubernetes, Docker, Spark, etc? If so, does this also mean more integration with Modeler whose workflows can be used on Watson Studio? I've been an SPSS Statistics user for over 23 years since SPSS/PC on DOS and a Modeler user for over 18 years when it was Clementine running on a Hummingbird emulator when it was just acquired from ISL. That lots of water under the bridge and it's exciting to see how the products have evolved over the years!

Mon November 27, 2017 04:34 PM

Hi Roger - Thanks for your question. No announcements ready for those products at this time.

Fri November 24, 2017 03:28 PM

so i have the redo all the screenshots in all my lectures? Sweet. that'll be a fun 3 weeks that i luckily just had lying around!

Thu November 23, 2017 02:56 AM

Hi Dough

What about SPSS Amos and SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys. Any improvements to these software?


Thu November 16, 2017 04:58 PM

Hi Mike - The point is well taken. There will be plenty of time for users to try the software, give feedback, and update their course material. In addition, there will be in-product guided tutorials as well as videos posted to this community showcasing the new features and changes. Most importantly, the procedures themselves and syntax will operate exactly the same way, with matching buttons, sub-dialogs, and options. So, after a quick tutorial all current users will be able to use and navigate the new version seamlessly.

Thu November 16, 2017 04:44 PM

I'm sure this will all be an improvement. But can I emphasise the need to liaise with intitutions to make sure any changeover is thought through, and instructors get plenty of notice. My college switched to a new version of SPSS this year, a few days before the beginning of term and without even telling me. (In fact, we have three different versions of SPSS in use in different parts of the college.) Fortunately I can manage without changing my teaching materials, but it doesn't look as if this will be case when this change is made.

And don't forget people such as PhD students who have completed their research training and are now doing their research, and expect to be able to use the procedures they were trained with.

Thu November 16, 2017 03:26 PM

Great feedback, thanks.

Thu November 16, 2017 06:21 AM

Hi Doug,

The new UI looks cool. But for me the most important is to find a particular analyses while performing multiple analyses projects. I guess this update has solved my headache... Great keep going

Fri November 10, 2017 02:32 PM

Understood, John. I will certainly schedule enough time for this.

Fri November 10, 2017 12:51 PM

Dear Doug
I coordinate a mailing list for the community of statistics teachers in UK Higher Education social science, comprising several hundred people. There will also be many more social science users of SPSS in UKHE who use it in a teaching context and will be signed up to SPSS through University site licenses. A major change in the user interface will require them all to revise a large volume of teaching resources, and this takes time! Timely access to a beta version would help this effort enormously.

Thu November 09, 2017 02:53 PM

Hi John, thanks for your comment. Right now the UI is available to try only for paid Subscribers. It will be available to more and more users to try over the next few months. Please keep watching this community for more info.

Thu November 09, 2017 01:10 PM

The link to the subscription page does not seem to work for those using SPSS via an institutional license? How do we get access to teh preview? As a teacher in HE, we need as much advance notice as possible of major changes to the GUI.

Wed November 08, 2017 05:06 PM

Hi Meni - I will be posting a short video of the Preview soon. Keep watching the community for that and more info on the new UI.

Wed November 08, 2017 01:37 PM

Thanks Doug. I would love to see what's new in a webinar.

Tue November 07, 2017 03:58 PM

Hi - Great feedback, thanks. Agreed, an iOS version would be tremendously exciting.

Tue November 07, 2017 02:44 PM

Hi! The new interface looks great. It seems to be operable by fingers or pencil. Do you plan an iOS version. Current Apple processor performance seems to be sufficient to serve number crouching tasks on the road. There is no real competition in this segment. I cross my fingers for further successful development of SPSS!

Thu October 26, 2017 02:19 PM

Hi - Thanks for the feedback.
1. One of the major goals of the new UI is easy onboarding, so the UI will be very compatible with self-learning. The Preview today even includes an interactive tutorial to introduce users to the main new features. So, I do not think a class will be required. We may consider a webinar as the UI gets more mature - let us know if this is something you'd be interested in.
2. We've definitely learned from past experience, which is why we're doing a phased rollout starting with this preview. Watch this community on the next phase where more people can try the preview.

Thu October 26, 2017 12:38 PM

Hello Doug,
the new interface looks just great. a much-needed UI refurbishment at last... I have a couple of questions:
1. how is the training for the new UI will be conducted? self-learning online? classes in IBM regional centers?
2. from past experience, dramatic changes in the software usually have some technical related issues. will there be a Beta testing group?

Wed October 25, 2017 02:01 PM

Thanks BJ! Hope things are well!

Wed October 25, 2017 03:26 AM

Doug, this is a very nice interface. I like the itterative appoach for delivering additional functionality. Good luck in the roll out.

Tue October 24, 2017 03:21 PM

It will be a desktop application like today, but the technology enables us to more easily make a cloud version. So if you're a customer and want a cloud version, please let us know via this community.

Tue October 24, 2017 03:16 PM

Hi - Thanks, we all sure are excited about it. We are not ready to announce when it will be generally available yet, but keep watching this community for the latest news.

Tue October 24, 2017 02:43 PM


Impressive! :) Finally! When are you going to give this GUI for on-premise users? With Statistics 26?

Tue October 24, 2017 12:36 AM

Is the software going to be cloud-based?

Mon October 23, 2017 05:21 PM

Thanks! Right now, it is available only for Subscribers, but it will be eventually available to all users of SPSS Statistics.

Mon October 23, 2017 05:18 PM

Hi Doug,

Nice work! This new interface is only for subscription (saas) or on-premise too?